Bill Maher defends Matt Damon from “Woke Police” – Deadline


Bill Maher turned his New Rules segment against a prime target, Woke Culture, this time to defend Matt Damon, now “fighting in the quicksand of cancellation culture” for admitting he used a gay insult that was thrown when he had come of age in Boston, but stopped.

“Okay, he was late for the party. To which we might say, “Welcome, glad you were able to do this. Or we could say, ‘You came later than me. Die, ”HBO host said Real time with Bill Maher, by calling the Still water star “one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, with impeccable liberal credentials”.

(Damon said in an interview with the UK Sunday Times that he recently stopped using a derogatory term towards gay people after his daughter explained to him why it was offensive.)

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“There are too many people in this country motivated not by what they really believe, but by what will make Twitter react with them with likes and retweets. It’s called bad faith, “Maher said, ticking off Damon’s headlines, including one from Fox -” Matt Damon isn’t a terrible person, he’s just ignorant.

“Really? … He has a drinking water charity and delivers food to Haiti. What have you done, Fox editor? And yet he still gets arrested by the awakened police.”

Real time debuted with Maher talking about ageism with Martin Short and Steve Martin ahead of the premiere of their new black comedy series Hulu Only Murder in the Building. Martin’s “white hair when he was three” was a big hit, Maher said, because the comic book icon still looks the same.

Martin said he had “never thought of dying him”.

Donna Brazile’s panel (now a United States today columnist and ABC News contributor) and Vice News national correspondent Michael Moynihan spoke about climate change and the Taliban’s rapid takeover of Afghanistan since President Biden withdrew US troops – a topic on which it is difficult to joke. “It’s terrible. Twenty years we’ve been here. All for nothing,” Maher said. “It’s like when Sean Hannity went to high school.”

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