Bitcoin is in a "perfect storm" for the remainder of 2019 in order to make a bullish move


The collapse of Bitcoin from the peak of 2017 continues. There were people who said that Bitcoin had reached the bottom and others who concluded that Bitcoin was still at the bottom.

It is impossible to predict the low of Bitcoin, however, we can see that Bitcoin has had some improvements at the macro scale compared to its situation of 2018.

Brendan Bernstein, a Twitter user, pointed to some of these factors that helped Bitcoin, directly or indirectly.

Theres a perfect storm for BTC right now

– democratic socialism
– MMT (Modern Monopoly Money Theory)
– QE infinity
– 10,000 baby boomers retire every day (the number of their rights soars)
– election 2020
– US interest expense> tax receipts from here 2022
– BTC halved in 2020

Never been more bullish

– Brendan Bernstein (@BMBernstein) March 29, 2019

Thomas Lee, of Fundstrat, aka Tom Lee, a Bitcoin bull and an enthusiast, commented on the tweet. He agreed with Bernstein and added that a number of macroeconomic factors then acted as favorable winds for Bitcoin. He also mentioned that some of these backwinds were acting as headwinds for Bitcoin in 2018.

In addition, Lee released an image detailing a list of factors that stood in the way of Bitcoin's growth, but which has now become a helping factor for Bitcoin.

Source: Twitter | Thomas Lee

Some of these factors include the US dollar, emerging countries and Bitcoin technicians, among others. According to Lee, the US dollar is expected to weaken in 2019 for a variety of reasons, including the Fed's QE, and high debt levels. Emerging market [EM] was a headwind in 2018 and is now starting to act as a headwind for Bitcoin, as emerging markets outperform equities.

The technical characteristics of Bitcoin, especially the 200-day moving average, currently serve as a support for Bitcoin prices. According to Lee, the price of bitcoin will support the 200-day moving average and push for a blistering race.

Other factors include the general development of the crypto and blockchain community, such as the adoption of the Lightning Network, which would help the Bitcoin scale succeed. Clarity regarding the regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and the entry of institutional investors into crypto could also trigger the rise.

A Twitter user, @bitcoinpbadada, commented:

"Honestly, it's not even a question anymore. 100k will look cheap for a lot of people in a few years. "

@tradeslower, another Twitter user, commented:

"Not to mention the macroeconomic risk, that is, the recession until 2021. The QE has created an incomparable alpha / bond expectations compared to equities. When this music stops, what does liquidity turn to? Pension crisis? Bitcoin allowances …? "

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