Bitcoin reaches $ 8,600 and is approaching $ 10,000; What do the experts say?


Bitcoin, the most popular digital badet on the market, has leapt ahead in the past few hours and has reached $ 8,600 in various exchanges. This is the highest value reached by digital currency since May 2018. The next step is to reach $ 10,000, but will that happen?

Bitcoin could reach $ 10,000?

Bitcoin has been traded in a very positive range over the last few weeks. Bitcoin has increased by more than 100% since early April and this trend does not seem to have ended. Although experts and badysts said that Bitcoin was going to have a correction on those days, it dropped to $ 6,400 for a very short period and jumped again to $ 8,600 a few minutes ago. .

This shows that there is a very strong bullish sentiment in the market and that investors are ready to place their funds on the most popular digital badet. Clearly, closing above this level would be very positive for the virtual currency which could continue its upward trend over the next few weeks.

According to the cryptocurrency badyst Josh Rager, if Bitcoin closes above $ 8,300, he would expect a transfer to $ 9,600. In addition, another badyst and crypto expert, Crypto Rand, said he clearly saw in Bitcoin a tendency to believe that digital currency should reach $ 10,000.

#Bitcoin heat for $ 10K

– Crypto Rand (@crypto_rand) May 19, 2019

During a conversation with Crypto Briefing's encrypted information site, Alex Mashinsky, a developer of Voice Over Internet Protocol, said that bitcoin could reach $ 10,000 in the near future. He explained that the long short ration on different cryptographic platforms is still too cumbersome. So there will be users on the short side who want to cover their positions.

On the subject, he commented:

"So I think we're going to go over 10,000 before we see a correction. Because these guys are going to be ousted. We have not seen the pain yet. We did not see them cover. They have to cover and when they cover, they buy Bitcoin. "

Although the Bitcoin dynamic has slowed down in the short term, digital currency has shown that its steam is not over yet. Over the last 24 hours, Bitcoin has jumped more than 6.5% and reached a market capitalization of $ 151 billion. At the same time, each piece could be purchased for $ 8,600, according to CoinMarketCap.

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