Bitcoin Trader reveals 4 reasons why your trading strategy never works


Are you struggling to make money by trading bitcoins on a consistent basis? If you answered with a resounding "Yes!" you are not alone.

Despite what they could claim on Twitter, virtually everyone fails the negotiation. One study found that 96% of Forex traders were losing money and quitting with disgust, and it is likely that cryptographic traders suffer similar failure rates.

And all because they make the same mistakes again and again.

But like that excellent Twitter feed Bitcoin Macro reveals that you do not have to resign yourself to the same fate.

Here are four reasons why your cryptographic transactions fail continuously and why you should change your strategy accordingly.

1. You are too scared to buy the Bitcoin background

bitcoin price chart, why do not your crypto-trading strategies ever work?
You had months to buy the bitcoin background, but you were too scared. | Source: TradingView

Fund selection is one of the most profitable games you can do in the cryptocurrency trade. It's also one of the most difficult moments to pull the trigger.

First, the bleeding stops. After a downward trend that lasts for months or years, badets suddenly stop falling below a certain price level. For Bitcoin, this price was US $ 3,000 during the crypto-winter last year.

Second, the badet starts to trade at a certain price range for an extended period. In the case of Bitcoin, that was between $ 3,000 and $ 4,000.

If you notice these two signals, there is a good chance that the bottom has returned. When the bottom is back, you will have plenty of time to accumulate. trader Bitcoin Macro perfectly illustrated this reluctance in a tweet.

People had 4 months to buy Bitcoin for $ 3,000.

Let it sink in!

Four months to accumulate BTC in the $ 3,000 range and change your life forever.

Now, tell me again how someone has an excuse for being poor?

All you need is bullets and patience.

Balls + Patience = Financial Freedom

– Bitcoin macro (@BTC_Macro) July 12, 2019

The signs were there. All you had to do was press the "buy" button, and you would be up 300% today. But you were too scared to pull the trigger.

2. You let your emotions run wild

In trading and investing, emotions are expensive. Any form of emotion, such as fear or euphoria, can cost you money.

In a bull market, people should print money while sleeping. However, fear prevents many people from entering the market at convenient times, especially when withdrawing. As a result, they are left behind when the badet resumes its upward trend.

Bitcoin Macro sums it up in a tweet.

Crypto Twitter: $ BTC hits $ 14k = "I would have liked to buy more than under $ 10,000"$ ETH hits $ 300 = "I would have liked to buy more than under $ 200"

Prices go below $ 10,000 and $ 200 = "I'm now scared, I do not want to buy"

– Bitcoin macro (@BTC_Macro) July 16, 2019

If the market is on the rise, any correction is a chance to buy cheaply. You do not have to be an expert to find out. Unfortunately, emotions take precedence over many people, especially in unstable markets such as cryptography.

3. You refuse to adapt to changing market conditions

Persistence is the key to success in many areas, but not in commerce. Merchants must be ultra flexible. They must be able to modify their bias according to the information provided by the market.

Unfortunately, many traders are struggling to shed a particular image in their minds. They retain this image even if the market tells them to give up. As a result, they suffer huge losses. The Bitcoin Macro badyst summarizes this trap in one of his recent tweets.

-> earns money in bull and bear markets

Hödl & # 39; er
-> Earns only money on bull markets

-> is flexible and can swing long or short, depending on the trend

Hödl & # 39; er
-> is stuck in the trade, no matter the trend

Trader> HODL & # 39; er

– Bitcoin macro (@BTC_Macro) July 16, 2019

The market is never wrong. Therefore, you have no reason to go there if you want to be systematically profitable.

4. You trade for the trade

Legendary merchant Jesse Livermore once said: "The money is made by sitting down and not by bargaining."

All successful traders know it by heart. Either you wait for the perfect settings, or you follow the trend. You do not sweat daily fluctuations when your chances of success are great.

However, most traders do exactly the opposite. They are looking for almost every opportunity in their thirst for profit. A valuable mental energy is wasted and stress accumulates. As a result, these traders can not execute the appropriate transactions when the appropriate situation arises.

Bitcoin Macro explains why position trading is the best form of trading.

The ultimate form of trading, imo, is to be a position trader. That's what I do.

I am the big global market trends and I only do a few transactions a year.

By playing a long game, I can sleep at night and enjoy my life instead of looking at the prices all day long.

– Bitcoin macro (@BTC_Macro) July 16, 2019

From experience, I can say that sitting on your trades is one of the easiest ways to supercharge your equity.

Trade can be a difficult game to play and many tend to quit. However, if you avoid the pitfalls presented by Bitcoin Macro, your probability of winning will improve tremendously when you exchange cryptographic and other data.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice.

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