Boeing unveils solution to theft system after fatal accidents | USA News


Boeing's aviation giant is committed to doing everything in its power to avoid collisions, two of which have claimed the lives of 350 people in recent months, unveiling a solution to the problem. flight software of his 737 Max ground plane.

Boeing has gathered hundreds of pilots and journalists to unveil the changes to a stall prevention system, involved in the accidents that occurred in Ethiopia and Indonesia, as part of a charm offensive aimed at restoring reputation from the company.

"We're going to make sure that such accidents do not happen again," Mike Sinnett, vice president of Boeing's product strategy, told a press in a Washington state factory.

Meanwhile, in the nation's capital, the head of the US Air Safety Agency has been confronted with tough questions from Senators regarding his relationship with Boeing and his oversight.

Senator Richard Blumenthal has declared before a subcommittee of the Senate Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) delegating security work to airlines puts "the fox in charge of the hen house".

"The fact is that the FAA has decided to make cheap security, which is neither safe nor cheap," Blumenthal said. He promised to introduce a bill to change the system.

Dan Elwell, the FAA's acting chief, defended his agency but acknowledged that as systems become more complex, "its approach to monitoring must evolve."

Before the difficult questions, Boeing launched a campaign to convince the flying public that it was tackling the problems badociated with the 737 Max, including a fix of the system of increasing maneuvering characteristics involved in fatal crashes.

Boeing unveiled the software changes – which, according to Sinnett, were developed "after months of testing and hundreds of hours" – in the company's mbadive plant at Renton, in Washington State, and offered guarantees.

Authorization pending

The MCAS, which lowers the nose of the aircraft if it detects a stall or a loss of speed, was designed specifically for the 737 Max, whose engines are heavier than its predecessor.

Among the changes, the MCAS will not make more repetitive corrections when the pilot tries to regain control, and will automatically disconnect in case of disagreement between the two "angle of attack" sensors (AOA). ), the company said.

The initial investigation into the aircraft crash Lion Air in October in Indonesia, which killed 189 people on board, revealed that one of the sensors of the AOA had failed but had continued to transmit erroneous information to MCAS.

Boeing will also install a toll-free warning feature called the "Disagree Light" to indicate to the pilot when the left and right AOA sensors are out of sync.

The company is also in the process of reviewing the pilot training, including for those already certified on the 737, to provide an "improved understanding of the 737 Max flight system" and crew procedures.

The American pilots complained after the Lion Air crash that they had not been fully informed about the system.

Members of the Allied Pilots Association were among the 200 airline customers and others who spent the day in Boeing getting details.

"With software enhancements, we now have multiple levels of protection," American Airlines Captain Roddy Guthrie told reporters.

& # 39; The gold standard& # 39;

But despite the revisions, in Washington, Elwell seemed to cast doubt on the MCAS as a culprit, claiming that data collected on 57,000 flights in the United States since the introduction of Max in 2017 did not indicate a single malfunction of the MCAS.

And the type of defect it could create is something like "how to manage the drivers from the first day," he said.

Elwell was questioned about Max 's certification treatment and why he had not immediately turned off the device after overwriting a 737 Max 8. Ethiopian Airlines, shortly after taking off from Addis Ababa on March 10, killing the 157 pbadengers on board.

This delay has raised suspicions about an intimate relationship between regulators and the American aircraft manufacturer.

Elwell said the FAA was the "standard" for aviation safety around the world and had denounced the agency for loosening its criticism of Max's new systems, even though the certification of some elements, including MCAS, had finally been delegated to Boeing.

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