Bongo SHS students accuse male teachers of watching them


Bongo SHS students accuse male teachers of watching them

Bongo SHS students accuse male teachers of watching them

Some female students at Bongo High School in the Far East accused school teachers of having watched them naked in their dormitories.

This charge prompted the students to boycott their breakfast and lunch because of the allegation that their head teacher and some guardians were about to watch them.

Teachers and the householder, however, denied these accusations at a meeting to address the concerns of the students, but this situation became chaotic, with some aggrieved students having apparently started throwing stones at the authorities of the country. school and thereby damaging glbad panes.

Reports indicate that Bongo police and reinforcements from the regional headquarters have been called to foil a possible chaotic situation.

This led to the closure of the school on Thursday, April 4, 2019.

Mr. Peter Ayinbisa, DCE for Bongo met with the school authorities to find a solution to the problem.

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has promised to crack down on teachers who badually abuse students.

The GES recently fired 10 teachers for various offenses and 6 were involved in acts of badual misconduct.

Read also: GHG rejects the teacher of & # 39; kitchen stool & # 39; and 9 others

Punish teachers who badually abuse student-MP

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