"Bowen bounce" as more and more people look for symptoms of bowel cancer


The news that BBC reporter Jeremy Bowen is suffering from cancer of the intestine has almost tripled the number of visits to an NHS news website.

Bowen, the BBC's editor for the Middle East, revealed Monday that he had been operated on to remove a cancerous tumor and that he was undergoing chemotherapy.

Aged 59, he was diagnosed with the disease in October after suffering "funny pains" in his leg and back.

To test! He is right https://t.co/JTjo3yaaJl

– Jeremy Bowen (@BowenBBC) April 2, 2019

The news has prompted more people to look for bowel cancer online. The NHS bowel cancer information page received 4,735 hits on Monday, compared to 1,639 visits in the previous 24 hours and more than double the average of 1,816 pages seen each year.

Celia Ingham-Clark, Medical Director of NHS England's Clinical Effectiveness and Bowel Specialist, thanked the reporter while she was talking about the "Bowen Bounce".

She added, "It is essential to control worrying symptoms as soon as possible to eliminate a serious problem or refer patients to tests and treatments.

"As a nation, we must stop being so careful about poo. Frequency, or consistency, or the search for blood in the poop, can be an early indicator that something is wrong.

"Our toilet visits can provide vital clues to our health that should not be ignored."

Bowen said, "I spoke up to encourage people to get tested. You can be cured of bowel cancer if you catch it early. Do not be embarrbaded, ask your doctor. "

Thanks a lot to Jeremy Bowen @BowenBBC to talk to @BBCBreakfast for the first time about her diagnosis of bowel cancer and her awareness at the launch of the month of bowel cancer awareness #thisisbowelcancer pic.twitter.com/lfQMfPLNQF

– Bowel Cancer UK (@bowelcanceruk) April 1, 2019

Deborah Alsina, Executive Director of Bowel Cancer UK, said, "We are extremely grateful to our patron, Jeremy Bowen, for speaking so openly about his diagnosis of bowel cancer.

"It's only by talking publicly about this disease and raising awareness that we can encourage more people to take action if they have concerns.

"Every year in the UK, nearly 42,000 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer, making it the second-largest cancer killer in the UK.

"Being aware of the symptoms and consulting your doctor if things are not going well can increase the chances of early diagnosis.

"Your doctor sees bowel problems every day, so there is nothing to be bothered. It could save your life.

"It is also important that people without symptoms participate in the NHS's bowel cancer screening program when they are asked to do so, as this offers the best chance of an early diagnosis. "

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