Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston would have divorced even without Angelina Jolie – here's why


It's easy to blame everything on an event. When Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston, fans on both sides were
and demanded to know why. And when they discovered that he was leaving
she because he fell in love with someone else? The rage was real.

But it turns out that all the fury directed towards Angelina
Jolie may have been lost. Yes, it's she who made Brad Pitt understand
it was able
to fall in love
with someone else. However, some of his ideas about life before
the split
proves that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have separated
even though he has never met Angelina Jolie.

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt | Vince Bucci / Getty Images

Brad Pitt admitted that he was bored while he was married to Jennifer Aniston

In a 2011 interview with Parade Brad Pitt magazine described his state of mind leading to the infamous 2005 split with his wife Jennifer Aniston.

"It became very clear to me that I wanted to try to find a film about an interesting life, but I did not live an interesting life myself," said Pitt. "I think my marriage [to Jennifer Aniston] had something to do with it. Trying to pretend that marriage was something that was not the case. "

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt | Francois Guillot / AFP / Getty Images

Later, Pitt clarifia
his comments and apologized

These hard words drew
critical acerb
fans, who could not believe that Brad Pitt would leave his
woman for another woman and then blame her for that. But he then developed on
how he meant the statement, explaining that he never wanted to put down his ex-wife
whatever sort of.

"It pains me that this
has been interpreted this way, "said Pitt in a statement. "Jen is incredibly
generous, loving and hilarious woman who remains my friend. This is an important
relationship that I greatly appreciate. "

He then made himself guilty of the ultimate failure of the relationship. "What I was trying to say was not that Jen was boring, but that I was getting bored for me – and that I'm responsible for it," he said.

Comments have shown that
Brad Pitt was not totally engaged

there are so many reasons
because the failure of a marriage and boredom is certainly one of them. Perspectives of Pitt on
life made him vulnerable to falling in love with someone else – and Angelina Jolie
was in the right place at the right time.

There is no way to know
if Brad Pitt would have fallen in love with another co-star if we gave him the opportunity,
or if he would have been tempted away from Jolie even though his marriage was rock solid
at the time.

Jennifer Aniston is not
cry more

However, in the end, Jennifer Aniston gets the redemption. After 12 years together, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have gone through a terrible break and are still involved in a bitter battle for the care of the six children they share. Meanwhile, Pitt was seen chatting with Aniston and making an appearance at his 50th birthday party.

Are these two ex
to revive their love now that they are older and wiser? This seems unlikely, but
hey, weird things have happened!

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