Brexit: furious conservatives will try to get rid of May if the UK fights the European elections | News from the United Kingdom


The mutineer deputies of Theresa May warn her to oust him in a few weeks if the UK is forced to participate in the European elections next month and extend its membership of the European Union beyond the end of June .

Conservative MPs are increasingly angry that voters are invited to go to the polls to elect MEPs three years after the Brexit referendum. During an election, they fear being boycotted by many conservatives and will be a gift to the far right and the new party of Nigel Farage. Brexit evening. The Conservatives have said that a good extension would be that it allows them to act quickly to force May to withdraw, and to hold an election at the party leadership as early as this month.

The warnings came as the Prime Minister issued a last desperate call Saturday night for MPs to back a deal, saying the danger was growing bigger than the Brexit "slips through our fingers". May said: "Because Parliament has made it clear that it would prevent the UK from leaving without an agreement, we now have a difficult choice: to leave an agreement to the EU or not to leave it. all.

"The longer it takes, the more the UK will never leave the country. That would mean leaving the Brexit for which the British people voted to escape us. I will not support that. It is essential that we deliver what people voted for. To do this, we must reach an agreement all along the line. "

Conservative MP Nigel Evans, a member of the 1922 Committee of Deputies' Executive Committee, said Saturday night that if May did not hold Brexit and that she could only extend her term at a European summit on Wednesday she would face overwhelming pressure down. "At the moment, the focus is on the realization of Brexit, but if a long delay becomes reality, I think the rumors that the Prime Minister is sacked become a cacophony," he said. "Many Conservatives and I would prefer to leave the EU under the terms of the World Trade Organization to any humiliating extension that would require us to participate in the European elections."

Nigel Adams, a former minister who resigned last week after the May decision to hold Brexit talks with Jeremy Corbyn, said: "More than 170 Conservative MPs, including ministers, have signed a letter to the Prime Minister. last week asking him to ensure that the UK does not participate in the European elections. It will not end well.

While talks on the Brexit between the government and workers seemed to have stopped on Friday, the highest conservatives fear that EU leaders will ask the UK to stay in the EU for a year and to participate in the European elections, unless the Parliament can reach agreement Brexit Agreement before 22 May.

Last month, May announced to Conservative MPs that she would withdraw once the Brexit delivered. If the extension of membership is long, the conservative party rule book means that she can not be chased out until December if she wishes to continue. But a growing number of MPs and ministers believe his time is up.

It is also understood that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, a potential favorite to succeed May, has informed seat MPs that he would prefer to leave on the terms of the WTO rather than accepting a long extension and clarified it during cabinet discussions last week.

Sir Graham Brady, Chairman of the 1922 Committee, declared to the Observer: "The British participation in the European elections three years after the vote of a majority of British citizens in favor of the exit of the EU would constitute a major political mistake. The results for the main parties would probably be mediocre and more extreme parties would hope for a huge opportunity.

"Every effort should be made to leave the UK in the near future, avoiding the need to participate in the European elections."

Downing Street said on Saturday night that discussions with the Labor Party to find a Brexit compromise that could be tabled in parliament before Wednesday's EU summit were "in progress" on a technical level, but have been ruled out to know It was planned to hold votes tomorrow or Tuesday, before May heads to Brussels.

In an attempt to persuade Labor to sign an agreement, No 10 proposes to enshrine in law a plan that would give Parliament a say in future trade negotiations with the EU. They believe this would prevent a new Conservative leader, such as Boris Johnson, from moving to a harder Brexit once May has been replaced.

Meanwhile, the new independent group of 11 former Labor and Conservative MPs said he had been approached by more than 200 people, including a former Conservative minister, who wanted to represent the embryonic party in the European elections. He sees the elections as a chance to mobilize the remaining voters and make his first electoral breakthrough.

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