Brexit: I had no choice but to approach the work – May


Some Conservatives have blamed Ms. May for making contact with Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn

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Prime Minister Theresa May insisted that she should go to the Labor Party to try to present the Brexit or risk leaving her "slipping her fingers".

The Prime Minister said that there was a "difficult choice" to leave the European Union with an agreement or not to do it at all.

Rebecca Long-Bailey, Secretary of State for Fantastic Shadows, believes that if "no agreement" becomes an option, workers would consider "very strongly" to vote to cancel Brexit.

Some conservatives have criticized the prime minister for asking Labor for help in his deal.

MPs rejected Ms. May's plan for Brexit three times, and last week's talks between the two parties aimed to find a proposal to break the stalemate in the House of Commons before the summit. Emergency of the European Union on Wednesday.

However, the three-day meeting was blocked without agreement Friday.

Union leader Jeremy Corbyn said he "was waiting to see the red lines move" and that he "had not noticed any big change in the government's position".

He is under pressure from his MPs to demand a referendum on any agreement reached with the government. 80 people signed a letter stating that a public vote should be the "end result" of the negotiations.

In a statement released Saturday night, Ms. May said, after doing "all that was in my power" to persuade her party – and her supporters of the DUP of Northern Ireland – to approve the law. According to her agreement with the EU last year, she "had to take a new approach".

"We have no choice but to address the House of Commons," said the Prime Minister, insisting that the two main parties agreed on the need to protect jobs and put an end to free movement.

"The referendum did not take place at the lineage of the parties and the interlocutors to whom I spoke prepared themselves so that their politicians work together when the national interest requires it . "

Getting the majority of MPs to support a Brexit deal was the only way for the UK to leave the EU, Ms May said.

"The longer it takes, the greater the risk that the UK will never leave the country is big."

Rebecca Long-Bailey
Ms. Long-Bailey Involved in Talks Between Labor and Government

Ms. Long-Bailey, who attended the Labor Party meetings with the government, told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show that the party had not yet seen the government's compromise proposals in order to reach an agreement, but that she hoped it would change in the future. days".

However, she added that the Labor Party "would keep all options in place to leave no business on the agenda", including supporting a vote to revoke Article 50 – the legal mechanism by which Brexit is taking place.

The United Kingdom must leave the European Union on April 12 and, to date, no withdrawal agreement has been approved by the House of Commons.

This week, Ms May will ask Brussels for an extension until 30 June, with the possibility of a departure sooner if an agreement is reached.

"Open Revolt"

According to the Labor Party, there is no indication that the government will agree to amend its political statement – the section of May's agreement on Brexit, which lays the foundation for future relations between the UK and the UK. European Union.

The document sets out mutual ambitions in areas such as trade, regulation, security and fishing rights – but does not legally bind any of the parties.

Downing Street said it was "ready to continue the changes" in order to reach an agreement, and Chancellor Philip Hammond said Saturday that he was "optimistic" that the negotiations could result in "a form d & # 39; agreement. "

Dominic Raab in front of 10 Downing Street in November 2018
Former Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab said the negotiations could help Mr. Corbyn qualify for No. 10

However, the Tory Brexiteers reacted angrily to the idea that Ms May accepts Labor's demands, particularly for a customs union with the EU that would allow duty-free trade with the bloc but prevent the United Kingdom from concluding its own agreements.

Leaving the customs union of the European Union was a clear commitment of the Conservatives. The former party bad, Michael Manufacturer, had predicted an "open revolt" among Conservatives and Liberal Party voters if MPs accepted it.

However, Downing Street has described this prospect as "speculation".

The Sunday Telegraph announced that some activists were refusing to campaign for the party as donations had "ended."

And the former Brexit secretary, Dominic Raab, writes in Sunday's Mail that Ms. May's approach "threatens to hurt the Conservatives for years."

"There is now a risk of losing Brexit and falling government – by handing down Downing Street keys to Corbyn," he said.

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said that Mr. Corbyn's inclusion in the Brexit process was a "mistake" in that "he has no sympathy with the government, at the same time". Evidence, and is a remnant.

He explained to Sky News that the reason Ms. May had not been able to get the support of all the Conservative MPs was "her own creation" and that she did not want to go out of her way. had failed to "sign" an agreement that they could support.

BBC political correspondent Jonathan Blake said the government would not be inspired by what he was willing to offer the Labor Party.

"No. 10 describes as speculations that it would … enshrined in a law a promise to give Parliament its say on the terms of future negotiations with the EU, to prevent a new conservative leader to move to a harder Brexit ".

In a letter to Mr Corbyn, some Labor MEPs pointed out that since the political declaration was not legally binding and Mrs May had promised to step down, a future Conservative prime minister could simply "rip" the one of his commitments.

Four shadow ministers were among the 80 signatories to the campaign letter of the Love Socialism Hate Brexit campaign calling for a new public vote.

"No legitimacy"

Any compromise agreement approved by Parliament will have "no legitimacy if it is not confirmed by the public," he says.

However, the Labor Party is divided on the subject. A letter signed Thursday by 25 Labor MPs says the opposite.

They warned that it would "further divide the country and add uncertainty for business" and could be "exploited by the far right, harming the confidence of many Labor Party voters and reducing our chances of win a general election ".

Leader of the House of Commons, Andrea Leadsom, says in the Sunday Telegraph that another referendum would be "ultimate betrayal".

"This would require a long delay, it would revive the debate that divides and, as the Parliament has not yet followed the first result, there is no reason to believe that he would honor a second referendum. neither, "she writes.

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