Brexit March: thousands of people participate in the referendum


General News of Saturday, March 23, 2019



Brexit protest The march will be followed by a rally in front of Parliament

Thousands are gathering in central London to demand a second referendum on the EU, as MPs seek a way out of the Brexit stalemate.

Protesters from the campaign "Put That to the People" go from Park Lane to Parliament Square, followed by a rally in front of Parliament.

This comes after the EU agreed to delay the departure of the UK from the EU.

Prime Minister Theresa May said that she would abandon plans for another vote on her Brexit deal if fewer MPs supported it.

Unless this agreement is pbaded by MEPs, the UK will have to come up with an alternative plan or it will risk leaving without an agreement in April.

At the same time, an online petition that breaks all records on Parliament's website, calling for the cancellation of Brexit by repealing Article 50, has attracted more than 4.18 million signatures.

Liberal Democrat Layla Moran said the petition could "give oxygen" to the campaign for a new referendum on Brexit.

Speakers at the rally include Tom Watson, Deputy Labor Party Leader, Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish Prime Minister, Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, former Conservative Independent Member of Parliament Anna Soubry, and the Hon. former Attorney General Dominic Grieve.

Ms. Sturgeon said it was now "the most opportune moment" to avoid a Brexit without agreement.

Watson should promise to support Ms. May's agreement if she agrees to hold a referendum on the subject.

He is supposed to say, "I came to the reluctant idea that the only way to solve this problem and to have legitimacy in the eyes of the public is that people themselves sign it."

Ms. Soubry told the BBC: "It's good to see Tom Watson come on stream today … I honestly believe that's the only way to move on."

She added: "The situation in which we find ourselves is intolerable and I fear that this is Theresa's problem.

"I'm not saying that the government should leave because it's the last thing we want, but I think it has to go and we need a temporary prime minister who can tend the hand, get the country over everything, bring that back to the British people – that is what we all walk for today, the vote of the people. "

Ms Soubry also said that Ms May had made a "hopelessly serious mistake", blaming the Brexit delay on MEPs in her televised speech on Wednesday.

The former chief conservative bad, Andrew Mitchell, acknowledged that "the feeling that she had committed a misjudgment was very strong" on this subject.

But dismissing reports of increasing pressure on Ms. May to quit, he said on BBC Radio 4's "Today": "It would be a huge mistake to change the Prime Minister – that's not the case. will not change the numbers [in the vote for Mrs May’s deal]".

"Clear choices"

If Ms May's agreement is approved by MEPs next week, the EU has agreed to extend the Brexit deadline until May 22nd. If this is not the case – and no other plans have been put forward – the UK is expected to leave the EU on 12 April.

In a letter to all MPs on Friday night, Ms May proposed to meet with MPs in the coming days "as Parliament prepares to make key decisions".

Children's Minister Nadhim Zahawi told the Today program that not supporting Ms. May's contract would result in a "collapse of our policy, not just for the Conservative party, but for all parties".

He added that, for all other solutions, MPs would ask for a much longer extension, which Ms. May said she did not prepare.

Stating that he would step down if Ms. May's agreement had not been pbaded, Mr. Zahawi said that he "can not justify" going to see his constituents and saying said: "We have not managed to do that and we now have to stay in the EU and enter the European Union." elections."

The march comes as the March to Leave pro-Brexit, which began in Sunderland a week ago, continues to London.

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage joined the March to Leave in Linby, near Nottingham, on Saturday morning informing about 200 Brexit fans that Ms. May had reduced the country to a state of humiliation.

Speaking at the top of an open-air bus, Mr. Farage said the people gathered for the People's Vote march in London were not the majority, before leading the crowd to through the village.

Meanwhile, at 11:32 am GMT on Saturday, the total number of signatures calling for the revocation of Article 50 was 4,151,815, breaking the previous record reached by another Brexit-related petition. 2016.

Margaret Georgiadou, who organized the petition, had tweeted earlier that she "had received three death threats over the phone," she also said that she had closed her Facebook account after being a victim from a "torrent of abuse".

The Parliament's Committee on Petitions tweeted Friday that the number of signatures was "the highest ever recorded on the site", after the crash of it.

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