Brexit news: Paris businessman admits Brexodus is much smaller than EU hopes | World | New


The CEO of Paris Europlace was made aware of the disappointing result of France 24 Thursday. Facilitator Stephen Carroll said: "This is one of the many consequences of Brexit: a race of European cities to win tens of thousands of jobs that could leave London. But three years later, the number of people moving is much lower and there are even fewer who have actually moved.

"Three years ago, we were full of optimism about Brexit, but business and job flows from London would be considerable, but we did not really see it materialize.

"It's a smaller gesture than expected – it looks like the numbers are closer to hundreds than thousands or tens of thousands."

Reluctantly, M. de Breton replied: "It is true, a little smaller.

"But more than hundreds, thousands.

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"We now estimate that nearly 5,000 new jobs were created in Paris because of Brexit.

"We estimate that about a third has already been implemented, leaving two thirds ahead."

Earlier this month, the French government launched a new program aimed at getting British companies to open a new headquarters in France. The "Join the Game" campaign includes the creation of a website informing potential UK investors about setting up companies in France.

Despite the apparent lack of success in attracting companies to France, Mr de Bresson has expressed his uncertainty about future relations between the UK and the EU, which would encourage more businessmen to move .

Last year, the president's centrist government stepped up its efforts to lure London banks to Paris after Brexit by introducing incentives such as tax breaks and promising to reduce labor costs. and open more English language schools for bankers' children.

In addition to banking and financial services, of which Britain is one of the world's leading exporters, France has also shown signs of eagerness to attract gaming community members to £ 4.4bn. from the United Kingdom.

The French General Directorate of Enterprises, which led the "Join the Game" campaign, said: "In just a few years, video games have become France's second largest cultural industry, behind the book and in front of the cinema.

"This is one of the most dynamic sectors of the French economy, with more than 5,000 direct jobs."

According to latest estimates, France could lose about 141,320 jobs in the event of a Brexit without agreement – a blow to President Macron, as his popularity continues to fall amid ongoing protests by members of the Yellow Vest movement.

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