Brexit: What has just happened? – BBC News


House of Commons, April 1, 2019

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The votes on the four alternatives took place after hours of debate

Members of Parliament again rejected all the options offered to them, as they tried to find a compromise that would break the Brexit deadlock.

The rejections took place during a second round of voting in the House of Commons on alternative proposals to the agreement of Prime Minister Theresa May on the Brexit.

Ms. May's agreement has been rejected three times until now and the House of Commons has been trying to come up with a strategy likely to win the support of the majority.

  • A very simple guide on Brexit

What did the deputies reject?

The second round of votes on the Brexit options – called "indicative" votes, intended to see what MPs could support in the stalemate, was held Monday evening in the House of Commons, the main body of the decision of the British Parliament, following hours of debate.

The deputies rejected the four votes committing the government to:

  • to negotiate "a UK-wide permanent and comprehensive customs union with the EU" under any Brexit agreement
  • join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and stay in the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • give the public a vote to approve any agreement on the Brexit pbaded by Parliament before it can be implemented
  • a series of measures to prevent the UK from leaving the EU without agreement, including a final vote on the desirability of completely removing Brexit

The nearest option to be adopted, which was rejected by only three votes, remained unresolved. Customs Union with the EU – a key element of the so-called "soft Brexit" option, according to which the UK would leave the EU but would maintain very close trade links with the bloc.

His supporters believe that this would mitigate the damage caused by Brexit to the British economy, especially when combined with the maintenance of the EU's single market.

Critics say that such an option actually means not really leaving because the UK would be subject to EU rules and regulations without having a say – and would not have the right to conclude its own trade agreements with non-EU countries.

Nick Boles, the Conservative MP who proposed the EFTA / EEA motion – called "Common Market Option 2.0" – resigned from the party immediately after the announcement of the voting results.

  • All the details on the votes of the deputies

Ms. May and her government would not have been required to act on any of the members' decisions, even though they had been pbaded by a majority because they did not have the force of law.

However, the prime minister is under pressure to chart a new course after failing to obtain the withdrawal agreement that his government has negotiated with the EU and pbaded by the Commons on three separate occasions.

She went so far as to say that she would resign if her agreement pbaded in the Commons.

His cabinet is scheduled to hold a huge five-hour meeting on Tuesday.

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What happens next?

Ms. May would consider bringing her withdrawal agreement for a fourth vote, the third result being closer to the two previous ones. But the deputies always rejected it by 344 votes against 286, a majority of 58.

It's unclear whether there will be another attempt to find a majority for any of the options – a move backed by opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn – then allowing for a "breakthrough". second round "between this option and Ms. May's agreement.

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Theresa May has promised to retire as PM if her deal pbades

If nothing is pbaded by the Commons, Britain must leave the EU without an agreement on April 12. Many MPs and business executives fear that a "no-agree" or a "hard" Brexit does not cause short-term chaos at least.

Although an exit without agreement was considered improbable, given the opposition of most MPs, by what method that can be avoided – and even who will be responsible for the process – remains uncertain. Many EU members now consider that a Brexit "without agreement" on April 12 would be the most likely outcome.

If MEPs adopt May's agreement, Britain would have until May 22 to withdraw, after the EU would have extended the original March 29 release date.

Beyond that – for example, a general election to create a new House of Commons that could possibly come out of the stalemate – would force the EU to accept a lengthy extension of the pre-departure period. Britain's block.

The EU says that an additional extension is only possible if the UK participates in the European Parliament elections of 23 May. Ms May has previously stated that she does not want the UK to participate in these elections.

The European Council – the main decision-making body of the EU, made up of representatives of the member governments – will meet on 10 April to decide, if necessary, whether the conditions for a longer deadline are met.

There is a third option: the UK could cancel Article 50 and cancel Brexit altogether, but that seems very unlikely.

  • Brexit: more information on what is happening now

How did we come here?

Monday's votes were the second round of a process that began last week after the defeat of Ms. May's government. This vote allowed MPs to seize control of affairs in the government chamber for two days.

Last Wednesday, eight alternatives to Brexit were all rejected, but Monday's second round was scheduled amid suggestions that there could be majority support for at least one of them. Four of the eight new options proposed on Monday were chosen by Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow.

The third defeat of Ms. May's agreement came last Friday.

Are we near the end of all this?

As for many other things in this saga, it remains unclear.

The question of whether Mrs May will still be Prime Minister in the coming weeks is also uncertain. She promised to withdraw if her agreement was made, but many are now wondering if she has the power to stay if she is not.

It should be recalled that the debate is currently on the conditions of the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU. The conditions for the future relationship between the country and the bloc, baduming the UK leaves the country, still need to be negotiated.

Great uncertainty remains for British and European citizens and businesses.

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