Britain's 30 favorite treats have been unveiled – with unusual choices


According to research, the typical British feels the need to heal themselves up to three times a week due to the stress, stresses and achievements of modern life.

Sadness, finishing a big project at work and getting stuck in traffic is one of the main reasons that pushed the British to pick a pick-me-up.

A detailed study of the reasoning behind a spontaneous treat, such as savoring healthy cherries or less healthy chocolate, revealed that a fifth did so because they "worked very hard".

12% opt for a meal or a glbad of wine after a spring cleanup and 18% feel they deserve some indulgence when the sun is shining.

Other reasons for a "treat" include staying on a budget for an extended period, dieting for more than a week, and pbading a test or exam.

It has also appeared that some justify a small expense after a good action, when it is raining outside or just when they are tired.

Matt Hanbad, spokesperson for Love Fresh Cherries, who has asked 2,000 adults to vote to celebrate the start of the cherry season in Britain, said: "Interestingly, the reasons for wanting a treat vary.

According to a survey, a birthday is one of the best opportunities to treat oneself

"Adults may need a boost if they have had a bad day of work, get bogged down in traffic or feel sad.

"But on the other hand, a treat can be rewarded when everything is fine, like finishing a big mission at work or doing something nice for someone else.

"The good news is that cherries are a healthy treat that does not break the bank and can be enjoyed on a daily basis."

As for the kinds of treats that the British prefer, ice creams, takeaways or meals are popular.

However, we do not always look for "naughty" treats, as cherries, a healthy meal and a revitalizing day are also considered "special".

A chic cafe, a new book and a day off to do nothing at all were also on the list.

The researchers found that nearly three-quarters of the population felt that being treated from time to time was "important" for their overall well-being.

Most have a reminder between two and three times a week, although 15% have answered at least five times a week.

Another one in ten said they never afford anything special, according to the OnePoll study.

Feeling tired, stressed or indisposed are all common reasons to buy a treat

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Main reports of Mirror Online

It also appeared that more than half of the women would like to be treated more regularly, but 50% felt bad at least once when they did.

The majority of women prefer regular things and inexpensive, with 73% of them preferring to buy cherries or chocolate as a treat, rather than a car or vacation.

This compared to half the men who would not let the money stop them from buying something expensive. One in 50 has even announced the purchase of a new car.

A quarter of adults surveyed agreed that when they treated themselves with food, they preferred healthy foods such as peaches, cherries and apples, and one in ten looked for something healthy but still tasty.

Comfortably, 58% of adults said they would treat friends or family simply because they are great, or to show them how much they care about their fate.


  1. When you're on vacation
  2. Birthdays
  3. Feeling sad
  4. Feeling bad
  5. Because I have not treated myself for ages
  6. Work very hard lately
  7. Complete a goal
  8. When the suns are out
  9. Feeling tired
  10. Work hard in the garden
  11. Holidays
  12. Because no one is going to treat me
  13. Take a test or an exam
  14. Promotion or salary increase
  15. Make a great spring clean
  16. Stay on weekends
  17. Finish a big project at work
  18. Take a long walk
  19. Win a prize
  20. Keep up with a budget for a whole week / month
  21. When it rains a lot
  22. Try something new out of your comfort zone
  23. Make a good death
  24. Stick to a meal plan for a whole week / month
  25. After a break
  26. When you have snowed
  27. Hangover sensation
  28. Help a friend through a difficult time
  29. After some bad comments at work
  30. Going to the gym
  31. A night without children
  32. Move
  33. New relationship
  34. Resisting cake and cookies at work
  35. Being stuck in traffic
  36. Miss a promotion or salary increase
  37. Being ahead for work
  38. Leave a place in a car park
  39. Miss the bus or the train
  40. Be late for work


  1. Cake or chocolate
  2. A meal
  3. To take away
  4. A glbad of wine or a beer
  5. Buy something I wanted for ages
  6. Ice cream
  7. A holiday
  8. Lie in
  9. a new book
  10. A new outfit
  11. Buy a good coffee
  12. A trip to the pub
  13. A day off to do nothing
  14. A trip to the cinema
  15. To be combed
  16. An extra hour in bed in the morning
  17. Take a long walk
  18. New shoes
  19. A new makeup
  20. Something healthy but still tasty
  21. A new gadget like a computer or a phone
  22. Buy a lunch at work instead of a packaged meal
  23. An evening in the city
  24. An early night
  25. Some fresh cherries
  26. A healthy meal
  27. A day of spa
  28. Cocktails are expensive
  29. A new car
  30. A trip to a theme park

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