British Airways Fined 183 Million Pounds For Computer Theft Of Computer Data On Passengers


LONDON: British Airways owner, IAG, announced Monday (July 8) that the Office of the British Information Commissioner (ICO) was planning to impose a fine of 183.4 million British pounds for the theft of customer data on the airline's website last year.

The airline revealed last September that the credit card details of hundreds of thousands of customers had been stolen during an attack on its website and app.

The OIC said it was proposing to impose this penalty, accounting for 1.5% of its global business figure in 2017.

"We are surprised and disappointed by this initial finding from the OIC," said Alex Cruz, President and CEO of BA.

"British Airways reacted quickly to a criminal act to steal customer data and we found no evidence of fraud / fraudulent activity on theft-related accounts," he said, adding his apologies to customers for the inconvenience caused.

Willie Walsh, managing director of International Airlines Group, said that BA would make representations to the OIC regarding the proposed fine.

"We intend to take all appropriate measures to vigorously defend the airline's position, including making the necessary appeals," he said.

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