British Prime Minister asks Merkel and Macron for an extension of Brexit


European leaders will meet on Wednesday to discuss May's request to postpone the Brexit deadline, set for Friday, 12 April.

British lawmakers finally approved a Brexit bill on Monday late after weeks without reaching an agreement on the May proposals or on any of the alternative exit models from the EU.
The bill, which has received royal badent and which has now become law, aims to block a Brexit without agreement, whereby the UK would collapse outside the EU without any transitional provisions in place.
Yvette Cooper, the Labor MP who introduced the bill in Parliament, m said Lawmakers voted "against the damage (and) chaos that no deal would cause for jobs, manufacturing, drugs, police (and) security".

However, British Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright told CNN that no agreement "remains possible", despite Parliament's determination that this will not happen.

He added that the discussions between the parties should be completed and lead to "a reasonable conclusion on the best way to leave the EU with an agreement".

The talks – between the May Conservatives and the Labor Party – will continue on Tuesday despite the Prime Minister's absence, Downing Street confirmed.

"We are determined to find a way out of the EU and to carry out the referendum, which will require the parties to work hard to resolve the outstanding issues – and the ministers and their fictitious counterparts will be discussed ( Tuesday), "said a spokesman for 10 Downing Street.

While May calls for another extension, the UK government has started to set the stage for allowing it to participate in the European Parliament elections next month, though it was still in the European Union at the time of the vote .

This decision suggests that Brexit may be delayed beyond the date of the May 23 elections, almost three years after Britain's referendum vote in favor of leaving the EU.

CNN's Max Foster, Hadas Gold and James Griffiths contributed to the story.

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