#BulletJournal: Seven million beautiful ways to save money


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Legend of the media"I bought a house through my ball newspaper"

Many of us may not have heard of bullet reviews, but they are at the heart of a trend that has grown considerably over the last year.

Essentially, these hand-drawn diaries are financial followers that have been hand-drawn in a notebook and decorated with amazing illustrations. Photos of them are then uploaded to Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube.

It is mainly young people from North America, Asia and Europe who create them, and they are incredibly beautiful and detailed. Indeed, type the hashtags #bulletjournal or #bujo on Instagram and you will now see seven million photos of them.

How do people earn money?

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What's a ball journal?

  • It is a simple notebook with illustrations, drawings and charts, colored pens, stickers, highlighters and adhesive tapes, with bullet points for structure.
  • The system, created by New York designer Ryder Carroll, is designed to help you trace the past, organize the present and plan for the future.
  • Abbreviated sentences are badociated with symbols – categorizing entries in tasks, events or notes
  • The tasks are represented by a dot "•", the events by a circle "O" and the notes by a dash "-"
  • People use a "daily newspaper", "monthly newspaper" or "future newspaper" to make plans
  • The page designs were quite simple at first, but can now be much more sumptuous – partly to earn "I like" on Instagram from the newspaper community. Bullet

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Who uses ball newspapers?

  • Newsletters are very useful if you like to track your finances, plan your business, stationery and nice pens
  • "I prefer to combine the artist in me with the organization," says Nadia, in Birmingham.
  • "It helps me get a little bit of artistic energy," Martin says in Switzerland.
  • "It's an excellent self-therapy," says Nita, in Malaysia
  • "I've seen photos on Pinterest and videos on Youtube and I'm really inspired, so I bought a laptop," says Suzan, in the Netherlands.

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@ nita.draws

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How to save money by using them?

  • In writing what they spend, bullet journalists say they can better control their finances
  • "I like having follow-ups of expenses to help me save for a big event I want to go to," says Nadia.
  • "This allows me to know when I spent more than my budget," says Anna from Estonia
  • Instagram holds people accountable for their financial goals and career goals: "It makes me more productive every day," said Syskia, of Indonesia.
  • "It made me more aware of my expenses," says Simone from Manchester
  • Emily from Suffolk claims to have saved £ 300 a month writing her expenses

  • "All your finances are in one place," says Martin from Switzerland, explaining why he finds it more useful than online tracking.

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"I bought a house through my ball newspaper"

Rachel from Lancaster, UK, bought her first house with her boyfriend in December 2018. "Two years ago, I would not have been able to afford it. due to my ball diary, "she says

She says tracking her finances using her flea journal has helped with the purchase of the house.

"I'm writing brunch and coffee on my monthly tracker.I'll make a weekly tracker in which I check the money I spent that day." She has a tracker to mark the days she did not spend anything

Rachel also receives requests for financial journals from the Instagram bullet journalists community, which helps her stay focused on her savings goals.

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How do you make money in your bullet newspaper?

  • Bullet journalists use Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube to their advantage to make money with their illustrations.
  • By publishing their illustrations online, they publish their work and companies ask to buy their images or order something specific.
  • Susanne, Germany, discovered the bullet newspaper via a Facebook group: "I did not even know it could bring in money"

  • "Job offers have started to come in. I like working with companies that sell planners and artist materials," Susanne said.
  • Nadia hopes to become a children's illustrator and uses hashtags on Instagram to showcase her talent.
  • Christina, 41, in Germany, said that logging helped her in her beekeeper work

  • Clarissa, Indonesia, said that logging had helped her find an additional source of income and "changed her life"

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@ nadia.doodles

So, are Bullet journals lists of things to do or an extremely smart way to save and make money?

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