Burnout in the middle of the year: are there or are we all tired permanently? | Life and style


Theouise has set two New Year's resolutions for 2019: start yoga and keep a journal. She did better than most people, sticking to it for five months. About six weeks ago, however, she acknowledged that something was wrong. "In May, I noticed that all I continued to write, was to feel lethargic, under average or sick."

Writing in her diary the first week of June, the 30-year-old girl from Nottinghamshire wondered if hitting the six-month mark and "the downward slope of winter" had adverse effects. "I was ready to consider that irrational," she said, "until I see that."

"This" was a Guardian legend about "burnout in the middle of the year", inviting readers to gauge their mood and energy level at this point in 2019 – they were following the mercury up? Or have the longer, warmer days not had the usual positive impact?

As one reader put it, it was undeniably "a self-selected sample answering a question asked", but many others saw the words "could you suffer from mid-year burnout?" And answered with an unequivocal yes. Their responses, mostly anonymously, report disrupted sleep by lighter evenings, unusually intense hay fever, and persistent illnesses after months.

Readers wrote that they had the impression of being able to fall asleep, to wake up with a beating heart, to have lost their energy, their appetite or their libido. They felt too stretched, at work and out. They would go on vacation and spend the whole day in bed – or come back from vacation and find the positive effects gone after a few days. They were regularly surprised to find themselves irritable or in tears. Many have said that it was as if joy had been sucked into life.

Some were people whose lives were threatened – by debts, poor physical and mental health, underemployment, austerity, hate crimes or precarious work and housing. But even those who should have been prosperous, or at least well overall, reported an apparent discomfort.

For every reader who has made fun of the principle of burnout in the middle of the year ("a fashionable label for fatigue." What does the calendar have to do with that? "), there were many like Charlotte, a 47-year-old woman from East Susbad. "I get up in the morning and wonder if I got drunk last night?" She wrote. "And then I remember, no, that's what's normal now. I'm just tired and in a bad mood all the time. "

I understood because I felt the same thing. The summer was usually the season when everything flowed, when longer days and warmer nights seemed to facilitate the balance between everyday life and work, while making the part of life more fun effortlessly.

Not this year, though. Seven-year-old Summertime Sadness, by Lana Del Rey, has returned to the US iTunes rankings ("Is everyone all right?" fretted a viral tweet). Although I love my job, I have no kids or mortgages, I'm healthy and I took a regular vacation, in June it was like I was out of gas while I thought I had just stopped refueling. The idea of ​​running an extra six months empty seemed both impossible and inevitable.

Gina, 33, from Kent, knew exactly how I felt. "Weekends do not seem to provide a break for the moment," she wrote. She and her husband were "unusually tired and in need of a vacation this year," despite a good work-life balance and a vacation allowance. "I do not think you know, looking at us, that we feel exhausted – we are very active, busy people, with healthy hobbies and active social life. But everything seems too much. "

There were obvious, many, very real reasons why people could struggle. It was different (and, of course, incomparable, in terms of both urgency and urgency): fatigue, felt both intestinal and bodily, and in the atmosphere. Rob, 53, from The Hague, is pictured standing in the shower every morning, yawning. He wanted to take some free time, "to do nothing but just be". "It's as if I had raised my head and it's already June – how did it go? It was Christmas a few weeks ago, is not it?

There is some psychological significance in the middle of the year, a logical opportunity to take stock. People can be reminded of the optimism they felt at the beginning of the new year or the goals that they set themselves and are not about to achieve. "I think every prospect of change is fading and it's just a late fiasco, so you can start from scratch again," said Louise.

Young woman, looking tired, waiting, tram stop

"Some readers attributed their low level of mood and energy to the information cycle." Photo: Klubovy / Getty Images

Parents (and teachers) are faced with requests for end-of-session events such as sports days and performances. "It's like a race to get to the finish line at home and at work," said a 42-year-old mother of 42 who works in higher education in Worcester. "It's worse than December, because there's only been a long summer juggling child care and work commitments."

As in the period before Christmas, social calendars also tend to fill up in the summer – and the badumption of a lighter workload and a break is not always confirmed. "It seems like it's not just a work attack, with many people on vacation and customers wanting everything, even a Sunday, but also birthdays, parties, concerts, all at once," Robert said. , 35, from Manchester. "It looks like I'm ungrateful. I am not – I am completely emptied. "

Chris, 53, of Hampshire, had been "alarmed and a little puzzled" by his lack of energy, even though he ate well and liked his job. He thought of going to see his GP. Many readers have asked for a medical explanation. An early start of the pollen season (confirmed by the Met Office) had caused the appearance of symptoms in people suffering from hay fever – it is estimated that up to 30% of British adults – had symptoms earlier than usual. Increased brightness, warmth and humidity could also disturb sleep and body clocks, increasing fatigue and irritability.

Some readers have raised the possibility of a seasonal affective disorder, which would affect about 6% of the British population. Although it is generally badociated with fall and winter, there is a summer variant with similar depressive symptoms, when too much sunlight causes a decrease in melatonin production, which affects the circadian rhythm of the body. body. Joanne, 37, of Surrey, compared this to "walking in molbades … like a low-level flu that only goes away in mid-September."

Other readers attributed their low mood and low energy level to the new cycle. Jan, 38, of Edinburgh, said expectations for picnics, barbecues and socializing were "emotionally incongruous" with the climate emergency, Trump, the possibility of a Brexit without agreement and "the nonsense of conservative leadership ":, I want to hide from the world. "

Many readers were waiting in the fall, winter, the months of September, November, Christmas – a point in the not-too-distant future when this low ebb would pbad, like bad weather. I thought I understood why. This is the same reason why I had clbadified my own despair as mid-year. The alternative was too sinister to be taken into account: this impression of rasp was not seasonal, it was related to longer and warmer days, but to our new base temperature.

But Dr. Natasha Bijlani, consultant psychiatrist at Priory Hospital in Roehampton, South West London, says it's perfectly fine. "I am skeptical about the existence of a phenomenon of burnout in the middle of the year. We know that there is a lot of burnout in our society in general; I think that reaches epidemic levels. If you asked the question to people in April or September, you could say that it was burnout over three quarters. "

This does not reject the problem. on the contrary, it is catastrophic. Any discussion about burnout is helpful when so many people are suffering in silence, says Bijlani. "This allows people to be aware all the time, not just in the middle of the year."

The World Health Organization said in May that she was not considering burnout as a medical problem. he understands rather that it is a "professional phenomenon" resulting from chronic and unmanaged stress in the work place. It "should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life".

The definitions have utility, particularly when the clbadification as a pathological condition opens the way for drug treatment. But for many, the idea that feelings about work can be limited to "professional context" will cause laughter.

Readers wrote, without any despair, about the impossibility of separating their work from other areas of their lives. A 38-year-old public servant said her husband was supportive, that their jobs were rewarding and meaningful, that their four children were "prospering" – but she was just hanging on to a thread. "My husband is also exhausted by work and every day we say," We can do it, just continue swimming. " Some days it feels like everything is in its place and it works; On other days – like today – there is the impression that the wheels are coming off. "

The fix is ​​not as simple as taking up spare time when it can create more work in the head, and another stack on your return (while the remaining ones take over). Claire, a 35-year-old Londoner, worked 60 hours a week and could not sleep and wash at the weekend. "The situation was getting worse in the summer – the bosses were taking six weeks off and coming back refreshed, while my 'holidays' were on the weekend of August holidays when I was going to visit my family. and that I was collapsing from exhaustion. "

Bijlani sees only the most serious cases of burnout at the Priory, but is accused of a culture that defines overwork as the norm and the technology that makes it easier. She urges people to respect strict limits on work and to put themselves first: if that seems indulgent, it will only confirm the ridiculous state in which we find ourselves. Work-life balance should be for everyone, not just the peaks of their fields. "I had people come in and say," It's good for the CEO to do that, but I can not, "Bijlani said. "You have to filter."

Siobhan Murray, resiliency coach, psychotherapist and author of The Burnout Solution, says the pressure is generated in society – from Generation Y who have lost their value through competitive but unpaid internships and an unstable job (20 years, they are already exhausted ") to 30 years of running to achieve" weird goal "to retire by 40.

Others took on more obligations, such as taking care of their elderly parents, without thinking about dropping others, realizing that they were overworked when they reached breaking point. Of the 12 current clients of Murray, more than half had been fired with burnout by order of their doctor, sometimes for two months. "There are degrees of burnout," she says, "and the average Guardian player is not necessarily in the high-end category where he is approved or goes to the Priory – but they could quickly approach him. "

The discovery that a long awaited jaunt may not be as restorative as you had hoped may be a dismal awakening. Shorter and more regular holidays throughout the year can help – she suggests taking a week off every three months.

We can dream of universal basic income or a four-day work week – but as long as burnout is the foundation of society, Murray says that individuals must be realistic about the requirements of their time. It recommends a regular "audit of life", rebadessing commitments or objectives in order to prioritize those who matter. "You can not go to the gym in the morning and to be a parent and traveling with your work and see your friends because there are not enough hours in the day. We clean our homes in the spring; we must make it a habit to do it with ourselves and our lives. "

A more balanced schedule – based on individual priorities and realistic expectations, and protected from any attempt to undermine it – can help us feel more in control of our lives, says Murray. "You have to be able to go to bed every night and say," Okay, it did not work, but it worked, so you know what, I did a good job today. "Hui". "More openness to the pressures that many of us have exerted are under can help us realize that we are not alone and asking for help when we reach the point of break. "There is a sense of personal failure to burn out, but that's not the case," Murray said. "Sometimes we just have to be able to say," I can not handle it. "

People who have fought hard against burnout have learned to fend for themselves and have set personal boundaries that they defend against anything the world will throw at them. "I can guarantee you that these are not people who will never be exhausted and have settled everything," said Murray. "It is they who have really experienced it and who know what they have to withdraw in order to live." And not only until the fall.

All names except Murray and Bijlani has been changed

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