Burnout is now a legitimate syndrome according to the WHO. Here are the symptoms


Burnout at the workplace has become a serious health problem in the modern era, it has been reclbadified by the World Health Organization.

In the agency's widely used manual, known as the International Clbadification of Diseases (ICD), overwork is officially listed: it's not a disease state (as the #########################################################> 39, have incorrectly stated some initial reports), but of a "professional syndrome". .

The changes from the last edition are relatively small, but experts hope that the updates will add legitimacy to an emerging and misunderstood issue.

Included for the first time in the tenth edition of the CIM, burnout was first explained as a "state of life depletion". The new definition of the international agency is a bit more detailed.

Building on a growing body of research, the eleventh edition now baderts that this syndrome is solely due to "chronic stress at work" and "should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life". life".

Modern illness is strewn with many other "employment-related problems" that are not technically considered diseases, but that can nevertheless have serious medical repercussions.

Here's how the WHO defines burnout: "feeling of exhaustion or exhaustion of energy; increased mental distance from one's work, or feelings of negativism or cynicism. related to his work, reduced professional efficiency ".

The definition of burnout desperately needs clarity and these new international standards could dramatically improve diagnosis and treatment. At present, there is no net or universal way to deter the symptoms of burnout symptoms of other mental health problems, such as depression.

On a global scale, it is extremely difficult for doctors to recognize the syndrome, let alone treat it, and in some professions this causes an epidemic.

A survey conducted in the UK, for example, found that nearly 30% of HR directors thought that burnout was widespread in their organization; while a recent Harvard report said that the burnout of doctors in the United States was a public health crisis that could cost the economy $ 4.6 billion a year.

In some people-oriented professions, the norm is to be selfless and to work for others, but the demands of altruism are soon to be felt. Far from being used as an excuse for laziness, the WHO's research suggests that burnout occurs when the demands of a job far outweigh the benefits, recognition and moments of relaxation.

As a result, workers who are exhausted often feel that their ambitions, idealism and sense of value are being strangled. Losses resulting from this syndrome are not just financial and could have a significant impact on public health.

Some research has shown that deep emotional exhaustion and negativity caused by burnout can actually change a worker's brain, making it more difficult for him to cope with stress in the workplace. 39; future. Neuroimaging studies have even revealed similarities between the brains of those who suffer from early trauma and those who suffer from clinical exhaustion in adulthood.

Although these changes are not always permanent, they affect the long-term health of the worker. A large study of almost 9,000 employed adults found that burnout in the workplace was a significant risk factor for coronary heart disease.

At the same time, other studies have revealed similar trends regarding high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, hospitalization due to a cardiovascular disorder, musculoskeletal pain, prolonged fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, breathing problems, serious injuries and even mortality before age 45.

And these are just the physical effects. The psychological effects of burnout include insomnia, depression, the use of psychotropic drugs and antidepressants, hospitalization for mental disorders and the symptoms of psychological health problems.

The eleventh edition of the CID will only come into force in January 2022, but I hope that, thanks to this new announcement, burnout will be recognized as a serious health problem. before.

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