Burundi bans BBC journalists | General news


The Burundian authorities have banned all journalists from working for the BBC and the Voice of America in Burundi.

The National Communications Council declared that it was forbidden for any journalist, Burundian or foreign, to provide information directly or indirectly to broadcasters.

He described as a lie a BBC documentary aired last year about killings by security forces in a secret house in the capital, Bujumbura.

The Burundian authorities have stated that the documentary violated the law on the media.

The BBC has already stated that she defended her journalism.

He condemned the ban, calling it a "serious attack on the freedom of the media".

"We believe it is vital that citizens around the world have access to unbiased, accurate and independent journalism, including the 1.3 million Burundians currently dependent on BBC News," the group said. communicated.

BBC broadcasts have already been suspended in Burundi for a year.

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