Cameroon and Nigeria discuss cross-border security | Social


The seventh session of the Cameroon-Nigeria Cross-Border Security Committee opened Thursday in Yaounde, Cameroon's capital, and highlighted the need to strengthen security along the borders of both countries. .

"The security situation along our common borders, which has started to improve significantly, has become a matter of concern," said Cameroonian Minister of Territorial Administration Paul Atanga Nji at the beginning of the talks. the illicit trafficking of firearms are major challenges.

"As we can see, our two countries need to be more vigilant and more proactive because security issues require regular consultations," he added.

"We will continue to support the commitment of the Republic of Cameroon to strengthen stability along our common borders with a view to putting in place effective monitoring and response mechanisms," said Nigerian Brigadier Emmanuel Ndagi.

The committee, whose main objective is to strengthen border security for both countries, was created in 2012 in Nigeria.

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