Can a sauna session be as exhausting as a workout?


Do not have the time or feel up to this race or clbad today? This study suggests that sauna sessions can be as physically exhausting as a workout and have beneficial effects on the heart and blood pressure. However, do not expect much that it helps you lose weight or replace a regular physical exercise.

According to the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Dr. Sascha Ketelhut of Martin Luther University, found that a person who had spent 25 minutes in the sauna had on average the same increase in heart rate and blood pressure that she would have could observe with a machine; and once the sauna session ends in the same way, the heart rate and blood pressure are lowered again.

According to the researchers, "Contrary to popular belief, intensive use of the sauna does not lead to a reduction, but to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, resulting in an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption."

19 participants were monitored while they relaxed in the sauna for 25 minutes, then for 30 minutes to cool down; the physical stress due to the heat and humidity of the sauna corresponded to a steady and progressive increase in blood pressure and heart rate, which seemed to be similar to that which would occur with physical exercise.

"A sauna session is a physical constraint. Its long-term positive effects are similar to those of sports activities. " Ketelhut said.

This study builds on the findings of other studies concluding at sauna sessions to reduce the risk of heart disease and significantly reduce the risk of stroke. Even people with low pressure can use a sauna safely after consulting their doctor.

"Saunas can actually be used by anyone who can tolerate moderate physical stress without embarrbadment. However, people with low blood pressure should be cautious thereafter as their blood pressure can then drop below the levels recorded before the sauna visit. " Ketelhut said.

Some of the effects of physical exercise can be imitated by taking pleasure in sitting in a sauna session. However, they are not an appropriate substitute for reality, especially for those looking to lose weight. Muscle activity is needed to tone and lose weight, the researchers note.

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