Can two drinks a day increase the risk of stroke?


FRIDAY, April 5, 2019 (HealthDay News) – Moderate consumption of alcohol could increase your risk of stroke, according to a new study.

Researchers followed more than 500,000 people in China for a decade. Overall, it was found that alcohol increased the risk of stroke by about one-third for four additional drinks a day.

He also found that moderate consumption (up to two glbades a day) increased the risk of stroke by about 10 to 15%, as well as a risk slightly increased hypertension. Associated press reported.

Researchers were unable to determine whether moderate alcohol consumption could also increase the risk of heart attack, according to a study published online Thursday at The lancet medical journal.

The results challenge the theory that moderate alcohol consumption may have beneficial effects on health.

"The badertion that alcohol has a magical and protective solution (…) has no particularly serious scientific basis," said Richard Peto, lead author of the study, University AP reported.

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