Can we stop saying that the problems of Game of Thrones Season 8 came from a lack of effort?


Last night Game of thrones The Season 8 documentary will probably not be very exciting for casual fans, but for those of us who have spent so many years investing in the series, it was a great way to say goodbye. We could see the actors during the readings of the table. We met many members of the team and we could see everything that was done for season 8. It was revealing and he should, once and for all, put to bed the completely stupid story that producers, filmmakers, writers and creators made fun of season 8.

The narration in question is a topic of conversation very frequent for a month or so. Beyond a general frustration with the outcome of Season 8, many fans focused on the idea that directors David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, along with other key decision makers, wanted The Thrones end so that they can move on to other projects, most notably Star Wars. Minor errors such as leaving a bottle of water in the background of a shot appear to provide additional evidence, as does the production decision to give episodes of season 7 and season 8 less with longer durations.

I'm not one of those who think that if you like a TV show, you should not criticize it. Effffffff that. I love my favorite TV shows and I will tell anyone who wants to listen if I think the series makes good or bad choices. For me, it's an essential part of being a fan. If I care enough to watch every episode, spread over nearly a decade of my life, I would have the right to complain. But there is a huge difference between complaining about the choices a program makes and accusing those involved of not worrying about it or calling it. Say what you want about Game Of Thrones Season 8, but none of the people involved here have called. This documentary is excellent. proof of that.

It took eight months to build the entire Kings Landing. The actors were brought in by plane who did not even work on the project specifically to try to prevent the spoilers. The crew spent months living like vampires and shooting every night until 6 pm the next morning. People missed holidays with their family, special events at school with their children and countless little moments because they were determined to try and do well last season. You can really feel how much love and pbadion have been invested, from actors, film crew, directors, production badistants, extras, makeup artists and all the other people involved.

That does not mean everything worked. I thought season 8 was a mixed bag. To take a step back, I think Weiss and Benioff had the wrong decision to shorten seasons 7 and 8. I would have strongly preferred fewer action sequences in exchange for two full seasons of ten episodes. I would have liked them to do more with Bronn, since Tyrion had several episodes to decide to betray Dany or Varys and bring back Jaqen H & ghar and the Faceless Men. I have no problem saying that, and you should not do it either. The real fans should want to have these conversations and dozens of others (the Brienne thing, that Theon deserves the redemption, the reason for the Night King, etc.), but I do not think any of these Decisions have a connection with D & D or whoever else is involved in the show not caring or giving up. Saying that this is directly or indirectly, in my opinion, really unfair, especially given that the documentary is mainly focused on the size and exhaustion of the season 8.

Think about your favorite sports team. If they lose in the playoffs, you have every right to question tactical decisions, to question how the players have been operating under pressure, to question the coach's plan or to the execution of the players. That's all, but if you accuse players of being lazy, indifferent or in a bad way, this is a much more serious allegation for me that should not be flaunted offhand. It's the same thing with Game of thrones, and there are scenes in this documentary that offer a lot of evidence that phoning in did not happen here.

There are many examples to choose from, but we will use the points of view that emerge from the crypts as a topic of discussion. In HBO documentary, makeup artists discuss their new designs and nerves. We see them doing a workout with more than a handful of extras in which they would wear makeup. We then see Benioff and Weiss coming to inspect all the new creations. Then we see the Wights being photographed. Then we are told that there will be a meeting the next day, during which Benioff and Weiss will submit notes on the changes they would like for the new characters. Then makeup artists must react and make changes based on these notes. That's all the preparation work. None of these tasks consisted of turning anything that appears in a movie. Everything was done so that Crypt Wights, seen briefly in an episode, is as beautiful as possible. Does this seem like a lack of effort?

Go ahead and criticize the pace of season 8. Talk about how you want there to be more Mad Queen groups or that Jaime and Cersei have a different ending. Make a claim until you feel better about the choices in the series, but think for a long time about whether you want to pull the card out of the effort when there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary. After almost a decade of the best TV show, I think they all deserve better.

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