CANADA: The stem cell registry is not diverse enough to help those who need it


For Canadians who need a stem cell donor, it can be a matter of life and death.

But looking for a match becomes more difficult if you belong to an ethnic minority – and especially if you are Métis.

Only 31% of the approximately 440,000 registered Canadian stem cell donors are of diverse ethnic origins, and this figure drops to only 3% for those who are Métis.

Waiting, say those who need the most donations, can threaten lives.

Jeremy Chow of Victoria, BC, is registered as a donor in 2010 at the age of 33 after seeing a television commercial about the need for stem cells from ethnic minorities.

"I was healthy and I was playing sports and I'm in the trades," Chow said in an interview.

"So I I thought that if I could help someone and that it only takes a day or so, most of the time, then that is great. "

Eight years later, in November 2018, Chow became ill while living in Victoria. He began to suffer chest pains, then dizziness and nausea, prompting him to go to the emergency room.

He was informed that it was a virus and was sent home.

"Typically, Jeremy can handle anything and I do not even have the time to notice him if he does not feel well because he always helps me in the house," said Chow's wife, Evelyn.

"But this time, it was a little different."

A few days later, the father of two returned to the emergency room after his symptoms did not improve. Doctors had tests and came back with disturbing news: Chow was suffering from acute myeloid leukemia, a cancer that develops in blood stem cells and manifests itself quickly.

He was transported from Victoria to Vancouver and informed that he would need a stem cell transplant for possible treatment. According to Chow, a search in the Canadian Donor Registry and the 23 million donors worldwide have revealed that only one match, itself.

Chow, half English and half Chinese, and Evelyn were shocked by this news, claiming that their experience had served to highlight little-known information.

"Unless you're in the situation, you do not really know about the donor shortage [for mixed-race people]Said Evelyn.

Why are several donors needed?

To understand the need for an ethnically diverse stem cell donor registry, it is useful to understand the science behind the stem cells themselves.

Matching stem cell matches are determined based on DNA markers known as human leukocyte antigens (HLA).

The closer the match between HLAs in the DNA of two individuals is, the better will be the outcome of a possible stem cell transplant.

Because HLA is inherited from the mother and father of a person, so it is possible that people are compatible with their siblings. But because of the random distribution of HLAs, this is not a guarantee – often a 25% chance.

Others must rely on a donor outside their family.

"As I said, it's much more likely that you would find a partner in a person of the same ethnic or racial origin as your ancestry," said Dr. Heidi Elmoazzen, director of stem cells at the Canadian Blood Services Society. blood.

She explained that this is why it was important to create a registry "reflecting the unique diversity that we have here in Canada" so that as many people as possible get a match.

Although Chow's leukemia has responded to treatment and is now in remission, there is no guarantee that he will not return.

That's why his research continues.

Chow is currently one of 25 people of mixed ancestry looking for stem cell matching in Canada.

But his experience has pushed him even further, he and his wife. They launched a campaign called Match4Jeremy, which he hopes will encourage more diverse people to register as stem cell donors.

"As I said, if there are people out there who can be helped and you know it's a win, it's a good thing, right?" Chow said.

Evelyn agrees and says there are other mixed race people who could be in a similar situation and hope their campaign "will help everyone".

"I want to make sure we have, or at least tried, to get this match for Jeremy and all the others," she said.

How to become a donor

According to Elmoazzen, Canadian Blood Services is looking for donors aged 17 to 35, as they often offer better results when treating more than 80 stem cell donations and diseases.

The registration process is simple and you can do it at home by registering on the organization's website and completing a short selection questionnaire.

If you meet the criteria, they will send a package by mail.

Dab the inside of your mouth with the four cotton swabs, seal it and send it back.

Canadian Blood Services will then perform some swab testing, creating a profile that allows those who need stem cells to be paired with a potential donor.

The donation process is even relatively simple compared to what most people think of the process.

"People often think that if you donate stem cells, it's an operation. However, 80% of stem cell donations come from what we call peripheral blood, "said Elmoazzan.

Donors are connected to a machine and given a drug that pushes the stem cells out of the bone marrow and into the blood. The machine will then take blood – which will extract the stem cells – before reinjecting it into the donor's body. Elmoazzan described the process as similar to a long blood donation.

Only in 20% of patients should stem cells be extracted directly from the bone marrow, which involves inserting a needle into the donor's hip and collecting it.

And with this simple procedure, no matter how far you are from your potential match, even if you are on both sides of the country.

Elmoazzen says it can still make a difference.

– World News

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