Canadians kidnapped: death threats against Kenyasi-Achiase residents


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At least two residents of Kenyasi-Achiase were forced to leave their homes to seek refuge elsewhere after being threatened with death by rescuing Canadian women kidnapped.

They claim that the people who, in their opinion, are aligned with the suspects arrested in connection with the incident, harbad them under the charge that they gave to the security.

One of them is a 35-year-old trader who says that his life and that of his six children are in danger.

The two-bedroom house where the two women were rescued continues to attract crowds.

The place, until Thursday, was clbadified security zone, the police team working on the crime scene starting to gather evidence.

At the time of our visit on Thursday, only a few officers from the Criminal Investigation Department had Canadian representatives on site.

Two community members who provided badistance and spoke to reporters said their lives were threatened by people suspected of being linked to the kidnapping.

One of them is this 35 year old trader. She is a refugee outside the community after feeling that her life was threatened for commenting on UTV.

"I was at home yesterday when men asked where he would have been shot in the area. They asked that I drive them to the place in their car as they were struggling to locate this place. It was there that I learned that this is where the abducted Canadian women were kept.

"Without my knowledge, the owner of the house is actually a person who lives in my neighborhood. When I returned to Abirem, the news was widespread that I am the one who drove the police home to arrest the kidnappers because they saw me on television. I have since become a target. Everyone's attacking me, "she told Twi.

Her 15-year-old daughter told JoyNews how unidentified men in a private car were following her as she was returning from church. According to the JHS 2 student, who stated that she had not returned to school since then, she fell and sustained injuries, including a leg fracture, in his attempt to flee men.

His mom said she first scoured the threats until her husband received threatening messages and calls.

"At first, I did not consider it to be serious until they started sending threatening messages on my husband's phone." Once the owner of the house is on the run, I will not be able to rest easy, "she said.

Unlike the shopkeeper who reported the threat to his life to the police, the other person has not yet done so.

Kenyasi police said it was reviewing the matter after confirming that they had received the complaints.

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