Cancer Study: You Should Better Abstain From This Diet


Healthy foods could prevent thousands of cancers each year. Because the diet has a major impact on the risk of cancer.

This is revealed in a recent study by researchers at Tufts University in the United States and published in the journal "JNCI Cancer Spectrum".

The highest risk of developing cancer due to poor nutrition is therefore between 45 and 64 years old.

In the video:

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In the United States alone, researchers in Boston attribute a poor diet to 80,110 cancers in adults over 20 years of age. This corresponds to about 5.2% of all newly diagnosed cases of invasive cancer and is therefore comparable to the number of cases of cancer likely due to alcohol.

Figures from the study entitled "Preventable Cancer Risk Associated with Malnutrition in the United States" refer to 2015 and US disease cases.

The interesting thing about the study: researchers from seven food / food groups looked closely at their impact on the risk of developing cancer. From this risk badysis, they drew a kind of negative results list.

The highest cancer risk therefore concerns people who

  • eat too little whole grains

Follow-up of people who

  • too few dairy products
  • too few fruits and vegetables
  • too much processed meat
  • too much red meat
  • too many sugary drinks


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Also interesting:

"Processed meat" means meat preserved by salting, fermentation, smoking or marinating, such as ham or sausages. The fact that the consumption of processed meat can cause cancer, as already indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has therefore described as "carcinogenic".

Red meat, muscle meat of beef, pork, mutton, horse or goat, is "probably carcinogenic" according to the scientists of WHO. This is particularly true for colon cancer, but links to pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer could also be detected.

Whole grains reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

Thus, high consumption of processed meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Those who consume a lot of whole grains reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Also interesting:

In the new US study, researchers also determined which type of cancer was most commonly attributed to cancer. According to the colon (colon carcinoma) and rectal cancer (rectal cancer), the most common dietary-related cancers (38.3%).

This combination of foods poses the greatest risk to health: low total milk and dairy products and high consumption of processed meat.

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