Care Vitamins delivery start / new protein powders launched – review


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Since its inception in 2016, Care / of has been providing customers with exactly what their bodies need, in the form of daily personalized vitamin and supplement packs. More than 2 million people have responded to its online questionnaire, which recommends the nutrients they may need to improve their health and well-being conditions, such as digestion, energy, heart health, stress and sleep.

The most important new update of Care / of's product line is protein and boost powders. In addition to vitamins, supplements and "Quick Stick" nutrients, they are now included in your personalized health program to help you strengthen your diet, support your workout performance, or manage your weight and digestion.

The company offers two types of protein – vegetable and whey – as well as lin chia, creatine, electrolytes and maca stimulants. They come in single-serve packs and serving jars of 15 servings (bearing your name, signature / care).

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Care / of

Compared to traditional powders and supplements, Care / of has clean, short ingredient labels, with no unnecessary additives or fillers, and with less sugar.

According to CEO and co-founder Craig Elbert, the product development process has not been easy. "It took us a year to find ingredients (several trips around the world) and hundreds of tasting tests to find the best protein powders, fibers, adaptogens and botanicals. origin [are] come directly from where they are best grown, "he says.

"Our natural and real ingredients and flavors are of utmost importance for our customers to happily incorporate powders into their health and wellness habits."

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Care / of

Each serving of vegetable protein containing less than 150 calories contains 18 grams of protein, derived from organic pumpkin seeds and organic hemp. Vegetable proteins come in three flavors (chocolate, vanilla and no aroma) and contain MCT coconut oil to make it creamy and pleasant to drink. I tried it myself and it was definitely less granular than traditional protein powders, although not perfectly smooth.

Each serving of 100-calorie whey protein also contains 18 grams of protein and is composed of whey protein isolate fed to the herb. The whey isolate contains a high concentration of protein, which contains less lactose, carbohydrates and fats. It comes in the flavors of chocolate and vanilla.

Care / of's Chocolate Flavor (my favorite) contains cocoa powder, organic cane sugar and organic monk fruit extract, while its vanilla is made up of peaches. organic vanilla pod extract, organic cinnamon and a hint of Himalayan salt. These recognizable ingredients give the powders a pleasant taste, even when mixed with still water.

Overall, I liked whey protein more than plant protein because of its thinner texture, but if you're vegan, plant protein remains a solid choice. Whatever protein is chosen, it will support muscle growth, recovery, and weight management and replace the missing nutrients in your current diet without the unnecessary problems of calories, sugar and digestion.

Care / of

Creatine and maca are other new powders that promote muscle development and support your fitness routine. Vegan Creatine Powder, a unique ingredient, helps tone and define muscles. It is recommended to mix it with a protein powder. Maca, the adaptogenic root of Peru, supports energy and endurance.

In the middle or after your workout, you may want to keep a packet of Care / of electrolyte powder. It tastes like coconut water and contains calcium, magnesium, chloride, sodium and potbadium to effectively hydrate you.

And if you have problems with digestion, there is a blend of chia and organic flax containing four grams of fiber per serving and can be added to drinks or sprinkled at breakfast.

With Care / of's personalized service, you'll get the supplements your body really needs.

You'll do less work filtering conflicting information online and reading ingredient labels. In addition, all your products are delivered directly to your door. Since new protein and stimulant powders are available in single and bulk servings, you can taste them before you commit and add them to your daily routine.

Take the quiz and get your personalized plan at Care / of here

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