Catherine was fit, health conscious when diagnosed with bowel cancer. This is her legacy


LEGACY: Jason Bell is calling for a woman who has been a strong research ambbadador.

LEGACY: Jason Bell is calling for a woman who has been a strong research ambbadador.

JASON Bell wants you to think a little bit more carefully about your bowels.

He will be trekking the Goldfields Track from Fryerstown to Hepburn Springs in September in the annual Jodie Lee Foundation fundraiser – this time in memory of his wife Catherine Ross, a strong ambbadador for the event and charity raising awareness on bowel cancer.

Riney died in February, 32 years old. Catherine "Riney" Ross was born in England.

Her fundraising efforts have tallied more than $ 250,000 towards finding a cure for Australia's second deadliest cancer.

Source: Bowel Cancer Australia

Source: Bowel Cancer Australia

The couple, from near Lorne, and family first took part in the Jodie Lee Foundation Victoria Trek in 2017. They remain pbadionate supporters for education and, ultimately, a mission to find a cure.

"One of the huge issues is awareness," Mr Bell said. "You need to listen to your body, you need to know.

Jodie Lee Foundation … I want to carry on what to care for a cure, like the Jodie Lee Foundation … I can not sit back and watch other people go through this again. "

Mr Bell hopes for an early call for the challenging event.

You need to listen to your body, you need to know bad does not discriminate between age and bad.

Jason Bell, bowel cancer prevention advocate

One in 13 Australians are diagnosed with bowel cancer each year. Mr Bell said, this was affecting younger people, like Catherine.

"Mr Bell said," There is a huge difference in the rate of cancer, but it can be very successful. "

Source: Bowel Cancer Australia

Source: Bowel Cancer Australia

Catherine had been presenting with abdominal pain for a prolonged time, having had a history of an inflammatory bowel. Mr Bell said the diagnosis was long and had plenty of persistence.

Other symptoms include: blood in bowel movements, unexplained weight loss and change in bowel clothes.

Trekkers will walk part of the historic Goldfields Track in either a two-day 80-kilometer hike or one-day options, 25km or 10km roads.

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