CBT can offer better long-term relief of IBS symptoms


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects 10 to 20% of people. Abdominal pain, bloating and altered intestinal habits significantly affect the quality of life of patients and may force them to stay away from work.

New research has shown that Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) specifically designed for IBS and delivered over the phone or through an interactive website is more effective at relieving IBS symptoms than current standard care. These results could make a real difference for patients with IBS who currently have very limited access to CBT in a natural health care system with limited resources.

The research was led by Dr. Hazel Everitt, Associate Professor of General Practice at the University of Southampton. Dr. Everitt said, "We previously knew that face-to-face CBT sessions could be helpful in treating IBS and this type of treatment is recommended in the guidelines of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. experience of general practitioner, this availability is extremely limited. "

As part of the largest study of its kind, researchers from the University of Southampton and King's College London conducted a clinical trial of 558 patients with persistent symptoms of IBS, even after trying to other treatments of IBS for at least one year. Rona Moss-Morris, Professor of Psychology Applied to Medicine and Trudie Chalder, Professor of Cognitive Behavior Therapy at King & # 39; s College London, have developed IBS-specific CBT programs, which involve 8 sessions treatment but a different amount of therapists' comments.

The results, published today in the journal INTESTINE, show that those who received any form of CBT were more likely to report a significant improvement in the severity of symptoms and an impact on their work and life after 12 months of treatment compared to those who had only received current standard IBS treatments.

Dr. Everitt added, "The fact that the CBT telephone and Internet sessions have proven to be effective treatments is a very important and exciting discovery, and patients are able to follow these treatments at a time that suits them. without having to go to clinics. "

Professor Moss-Morris said, "The next most important step is to make these CBT treatments more widely available." Professor Trudie Chalder and I are currently training NHS therapists on existing enhancement services. access to psychological therapy (IAPT), that more people with IBS can access these treatments quickly, we are also working with a commercial partner to offer CBT on the web to the NHS and in other parts of the world. "


The study was funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). The research team is currently working to make treatment widely available in the NHS.

Statements of patients who participated in the test:

Laura Day:

"There is no other way to say it: this essay changed my life.I had symptoms as long as I can remember, but I have was diagnosed officially around the age of 13. Everything revolved around my SCI, not by choice but because of the fear of getting caught by my symptoms.Now, at 31, I think about it pain, because I have no symptoms in 98% of cases.I admit being skeptical at first because I could not see.How to change my state of mind could have a direct effect on my bowel habits but I was surprised to see improvements over the first few weeks, I've spent my whole life avoiding certain foods, restaurants, and situations thinking that I controlled the CBT techniques I learned. and the information I gave during this test gave me real control in a healthy and manageable way. Too thank the researchers for studying the potential of this treatment for IBS. I hope that many more people will have the opportunity to efit from her. "

Jill Durnell:

"SCI has profoundly affected my life for many years and the drugs have had little or no effect. The urgent need to go to the bathroom has had a major impact on my life. My job involved considerable driving and my route was planned to allow "loo stops". I had to cancel events at the last minute and felt that I was dropping friends. Wherever I went, I checked, unconsciously, where were the nearest toilets!

SCI has affected my life and that of my family for decades.

"My involvement in the ACTIB trial has made me aware of the psychological effect of my IBS system.I think, to a large extent, I can manage the disease and I have minimized the impact of the IBS system on my life without the cost of medications or medical consultations.

IBS does not control my life. "

Notes to editors

1) For interviews with Dr. Hazel Everitt, please contact Steve Bates, Media Relations, University of Southampton. Email: [email protected] Tel 023 8059 3212

2) The Assessment of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and CBT delivered by Telephone versus Routine Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ACTIB): A Multicenter Randomized Trial Is Published in the Journal INTESTINE (DOI: 10. 1136 / gutjnl- 2018- 317805) and can be found here after the lifting of the embargo: https: //intestine.bmj.com /content /early/2019 /04 /11 /gutjnl-2018-317805. Journalists can see an advanced copy by contacting media relations.

3) The University of Southampton is at the origin of its original thinking, transforms knowledge into action and impact and creates solutions to the challenges of the world. We are among the top 100 institutions in the world (QS World University Rankings 2019). Our academics are leaders in their field, connecting with leading international companies and organizations, and inspiring a community of 24,000 outstanding students from more than 135 countries around the world. Through high quality teaching, the University helps Discovery Students realize their potential and join our global network of more than 200,000 alumni. http: // www.Southampton.acUnited Kingdom

4) About King's College London and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience

King's College London is one of the 25 best universities in the world (QS 2017/18 World Rankings) and one of the oldest in England. King 's has more than 26,500 students (of which nearly 10,400 are graduate students) from around 150 countries and employ nearly 6,900 people. The university is in the second phase of a £ 1 billion redevelopment program that is transforming its field. http: // www.kcl.acUnited Kingdom

The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) of King's College London is the leading research center on mental health and badociated neuroscience in Europe. It produces more highly cited publications in psychiatry and mental health than any other university in the world (Scopus, 2016), with 12 of the most cited scientists in the field. IoPPN's cutting edge research has had and continues to impact how we understand, prevent and treat mental illnesses and other brain conditions. http: // www.kcl.acUnited Kingdom/Ioppn

5) The National Institute of Health Research (IRDH) is the largest funder of health research and care in the country. The NIHR:

  • Funding, support and high-quality research relevant to the NHS, public health and social care
  • Involve and involve patients, caregivers and the public to improve the reach, quality and impact of research
  • Attracts, trains and supports the best researchers to face the complex challenges of the future in health and care
  • Invests in world-clbad infrastructure and qualified delivery personnel to translate discoveries into better treatments and services
  • Collaborate with other public funders, charities and the sector to maximize the value of research for patients and the economy

NIHR was created in 2006 to improve the health and wealth of the country through research. It is funded by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. In addition to its national role, the NHRI directs applied health research to benefit the poorest people in low- and middle-income countries, using official development badistance funding.

This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support and would not have been possible without access to this data. NIHR recognizes and values ​​the role of patient data, which is securely accessed and stored, both to support and improve research and care. http: // www.NIHR.acUnited Kingdom/patientdata

6) Prof. Hywel Williams, Director of INDH's Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Program, who funded the study, said: "The results of this study provide important new evidence of how telephone and online CBT can provide effective treatment for infections in patients with this chronic and common gastrointestinal disorder.The research also provides important information to health professionals planning and providing NHS to people with irritable bowel syndrome. "

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