CDC investigates mysterious E. coli outbreak affecting 5 states


CDC investigates mysterious E. coli outbreak affecting 5 states

Electron micrograph of E. coli. Photo: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(HealthDay) -U.S. Health officials announced that they were investigating an outbreak of E. coli gastrointestinal disease already affected by 72 people in five eastern states.

The origin of foodborne diseases remains unknown, announced Friday in the United States the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"The investigation is still ongoing and a specific food, grocery store or restaurant chain has not been identified as a source of infections," the CDC said in a statement. The states concerned are Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and Virginia.

The first cases of illness began to be reported on March 2 and the last reported case occurred on March 29. Although no deaths have been reported, "out of 47 people for whom information is available, eight have been hospitalized" because of the severity of their cases, the CDC told me.

This outbreak has been linked to the strain of E. coli O103 bacteria and, according to the CDC, people usually get sick three or five days after consuming food contaminated with E. coli.

"Most people suffer from (often bloody) diarrhea, severe stomach cramps and severe vomiting," said the agency. "Most people recover in a week, but some diseases can last longer and be more severe."

However, there are ways to protect yourself. Be sure to wash your hands when preparing food and cooking meat thoroughly.

"To eliminate harmful germs, cook beef steaks and roasts at an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit and let stand for three minutes after removing the meat from the grill or oven," advises the CDC. "Cook ground beef and pork at a minimum internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit."

In addition, "wash hands, countertops, cutting boards and utensils after touching raw meat," said the agency.

Arizona romaine lettuce linked to a national epidemic of E. Coli: CDC

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CDC investigates mysterious E. coli outbreak affecting 5 states (April 6, 2019)
recovered on April 6, 2019

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