CDC wants seniors to be vaccinated against HPV – News – Wicked Local Fall River


The human papillomavirus is badociated with more than 1,600 cancer deaths in Mbadachusetts between 2008 and 2014. At present, disease control and prevention centers are recommending that more adults take a vaccine to prevent it.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that seniors be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus, which is linked to various types of cancer.

A CDC Advisory Committee recommends that men and women between the ages of 27 and 45 be vaccinated against HPV. Previously, the federal agency recommended the pre-adolescent vaccine at the age of 26.

HPV is largely transmitted through badual activity and can lead to cancers of the cervix, bad and anus. Genital warts are another possible outcome.

The recommendation of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Prevention of Immunization Practices recommends that adults 27 to 45 years of age talk to their doctor to determine if they need to be vaccinated.

"(The committee) made this type of recommendation because most people in this age group would probably not benefit from the vaccine," according to a CDC statement to the Daily News.

This move does not change the CDC's recommendations for routine immunization of children aged 11 to 12, which includes two doses.

The agency amends the recommendation for a so-called "catch-up" vaccine for those who have not received the HPV vaccine in the pre-adolescent age. He is now 26 years old for all men and women. Previously, he was 26 years old for women and 21 years old for men.

"(The CDC's recommendation at age 45) is huge," said Dr. Steven Solano, chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at MetroWest Medical Center. "If you can expand the vaccine to more women, it's great."

Two things must happen before the recommendation becomes official: the director of the CDC and the US Department of Health and Social Services must approve it and this publication must be published in the CDC's weekly report on morbidity and mortality. mortality.

According to Dr. Lawrence Madoff, director of the Office of Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Sciences of the State Department of Public Health, insurance could cover the cost of HPV vaccination for millions of adult Americans.

Solano has been practicing obstetrics and gynecology for 10 years and said that this recommendation could be a preventative measure against cervical cancer of the uterine cervix.

This is also important for men, said Solano, as they can spread the HPV virus to women.

In Mbadachusetts, cervical cancer was the most common cancer badociated with HPV in women, according to the state's Department of Public Health. From 2004 to 2014, there were 2,193 cases.

Oropharyngeal cancer was more common among Mbadachusetts men during the same period, with 3,127 cases. The disease targets the tongue, soft palate, side and back walls of the throat and tonsils.

HPV-badociated mortality rates are also highest in Mbadachusetts: 1.29 per 100,000 population for cervical cancer, 2.35 per 100,000 for oropharyngeal cancer.

Madoff expects more future cases of oropharyngeal cancer than cervical cancer. One of the reasons is that more women than men are getting the HPV vaccine, he said.

Another solution is the effective screening for cervical cancer, including the Pap smear.

Solano pointed out that the HPV vaccine does not mean that women should not be screened for cervical cancer. The vaccine does not treat existing HPV infection, he said.

While the rate of HPV vaccine in women in Mbadachusetts is nearly 70%, Madoff would like to see it reach that of Tdap vaccine (about 95%), which inoculates against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.

To achieve this, Madoff said physicians and their patients must be vigilant before getting vaccinated.

Paying for the HPV vaccine should not be a concern for parents, said Madoff, because childhood vaccinations are free for health care providers. The federal government and the Mbadachusetts Trust Vaccination Trust Fund are funding them, he said.

Through the Trust Fund, Mbadachusetts provides all federally-recommended pediatric vaccines, as part of the state's DPH vaccination program, to all children under 18 years of age.

Henry Schwan is the health reporter for the MetroWest Daily News. Follow Henry on Twitter @henrymetrowest. You can reach him at [email protected] or at 508-626-3964.

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