CDG Ghana is worried about the "economic mismanagement" of the nuclear power plant


General News of Saturday, April 13, 2019

Source: Daniel Kaku


Nana Addo Dankwa Addu Akufo HandsUP President Akufo-Addo

The Democratic Governance Caucus (CDG-GH) is heavily involved in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for its high rate of economic mismanagement in the country.

In a statement signed by its president, Dr. EK Hayford, and conveyed to the media, he said, "This country is backing up." Bawumia's talk show was not a break with his usual public comments. It is alleged that the scenario is generally prepared by the ruling Kyebi clan and is intended to make it ridiculous, which is clear from the recent Bawumia Town Hall TV debate, which has aggravated the group's reputation. -President ".

"It's time for Akufo-Addo to realize that he is the president and that he needs to show leadership." He and Bawumia are still acting as if they were in the world. Opposition The achievements that Bawumia intentionally projected in the public debate are controversial over the prices of the contracts that were awarded to their family and friends.

He said, "… we have to go after ourselves, because we have all been warned by those who knew him intimately.You remember that before the 2012 elections, a close friend of his Akufo Addo, Kofi Koomson, editor-in-chief of the Ghanaian Chronicle The newspaper informed Ghanaians that Akufo Addo would cause him sleepless nights when he was elected president.Another friend of Nana Addo and an accomplished business magnate put warn Ghanaians never to make a fatal mistake by voting for Nana Addo to lead the country. "

Below the complete statement


CELEBRATE THE MEDIOCRITY – In the case of a warlord

The Democratic Governance Caucus (CDG-GH) recently observed an unfortunate announcement by the NPP, chaired by President Akufo-Addo, in an evening at Kenkey.

This was followed by a banquette at the lavish Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City. The purpose of this dissipation free, debauched and especially arrogant public funds is the marginal appreciation of cedis from 5.5 to 5.3 in 1 dollar.

Due to public criticism for his insensitivity, the president flew to a bash birthday abroad to escape embarrbadment. It did not help him because he was caught in a cameral, apparently in good shape. The video has become viral.

The insensitive and non-Ghanaian nature of this double celebration is due to the fact that there was a terrible road accident near Kintampo, in which more than 70 of our Ghanaian compatriots perished. With a total lack of respect for the sensitivity of affected families and public resentment, the ruling Kyebi clan decided to party. It's a total nonsense. How bad can a president be beyond this when he has failed to reverse this unnecessary waste of public funds.

This would cost Ghanaian taxpayers 1.5 million Ghanaian Cedis. The rapid devaluation of Ghana's cedis was created by Akufo Addo himself. It is therefore ridiculous to celebrate a marginal appreciation of the same thing. You all remember that in the by-election of Ayawaso West Wogon in the ranks of his militia as a warlord against innocent civilians, this sparked panic among investors because the Money hated the noise. Investors were afraid of nascent terrorism, resulting in unprecedented capital flight, forcing them to instantly repatriate their capital to offshore sites.

But why should we be surprised. While public services, education, health, transportation, roads, utilities and many others need essential inputs, as teachers now write exams on chalk boards for students, Akufo Addo finds an advantage in a useless propaganda and a difficult situation as world president the world has never had.

In order to control his depressed image around the world, a hasty conference was organized for Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, Vice President, in front of a praised audience. Before the date of April 3, 2019, the day of the town hall talk show, the main streets of Accra were arrogant with huge ads on glossy posters of the event. It is alleged that these advertisements cost the taxpayer $ 2.5 billion. It is at this time in our country that hospitals lack the necessary logistics, to the point that patients do not have beds to use in hospitals and sleep upstairs instead. It is at this moment that dumsor is ubiquitous throughout the country, so much so that the citizens of Somanya and surrounding areas have had to block the road in protest. Police reportedly fired live ammunition at innocent protesters. You remember that Akufo Addo in his 2017 SONA mentioned that he had solved the problems of dumsor. But recently, it is HE John Mahama who must be held responsible for the current dumsor.

Indeed, this country is in reverse. Bawumia's own talk show was not a break with his usual public comments. It is alleged that the scenario is usually prepared by the ruling clan, the kyebi, in order to subject it to ridicule. This is clear from the fact that the recent Bawumia Town Hall talk show has compounded the damage done to the reputation of the senior vice president. The data were full of inconsistencies and the related logic can not be understood by Ghanaians, with the exception of him and his masters Kyebi. The content was, as one might expect, full of inaccuracies and controversy intended to deceive the Ghanaians by playing only in the gallery.

It is time that Akufo-Addo realizes that he is the president and must show leadership. He and Bawumia always act as if they were in opposition. The achievements that Bawumia intentionally projected on the town hall talk show are the controversial price contracts that have been awarded to their family and friends. All the so-called chosen achievements that have been touted by Bawumia at the staged public's rented excitement have no bearing on the standard of living of Ghanaians. This aggravates rather the deterioration of the situation of the citizens. Indeed, the low standard of living of Ghanaians will continue to expose the vile propaganda of Akufo Addo.

We all remember Akufo Addo used all the criminal and unfair strategies to realize his father's dream. Although he has been preparing his entire life to become president, his performance to date indicates that he is the worst president ever to have ruled Ghana in all respects. It has collapsed all the traditional pillars of the democratic structure put in place over the years. Instead, it systematically replaces these structures with its own design. That's what dictators and fascists do. For example, after being exposed in the AWW by-election to the horror of the international community, due to the creation of a parallel militia to replace the security services traditional, he tries very hard to stand out from his own militia, a typical tyrannical attitude.

The suffering of the people is evident everywhere. In 2016, the average price of gasoline was 12 Ghanaian cedis per gallon. Today, the same article contains more than 25 Ghanaian cedis per gallon. This does not correspond to any corresponding increase in income level. Gasoline is the driving force of the economy and the price level is directly related to the cost of living. Obviously, while the ruling clan, the kyebi, takes the country for direct inheritance, they badume that the rest of the citizens are their slaves. They accumulate so much wealth for themselves. Faced with such suffering, Akufo Ado could at best organize a kenkey party for the benefit of its NPP members to celebrate its mediocrity.

But we have to blame ourselves because we have all been warned by those who knew him intimately. You remember that before the 2012 elections, a close friend of Akufo Addo, Kofi Koomson, editor of the Ghanaian Chronicle newspaper, had informed Ghanaians that Akufo Addo would cause him sleepless nights. He was elected president. Another friend of Nana Addo and an accomplished business magnate warned Ghanaians never to make a fatal mistake by voting for Nana Addo to run this country. In addition, a founder of the NPP has openly stated that he will not vote for Nana Addo in the name of peace in this country. He warned Ghanaians not to let political extremism hide their reality. He advised them to think first of our security as a people. It is also common knowledge that a former director of National Security has warned Ghanaians never to fix an albatross on the neck, Nana Addo. Following all these warnings, a Ghanaian UN Special Representative in Somalia and a close confidant of Nana Addo also warned Ghanaians not to elect a leader who can not control his own environment, resulting in hot water baths. acid, stabbing and contempt of the elders in his country's feast. Foreign diplomats even know the dark side of Nana Addo, a former US ambbadador to Ghana warned Ghanaians never to elect a leader whose attitude and activities are dangerous to the stability of the nation. A German Chancellor has also described it as being too ambitious, but has little control over everything surrounding it.

Many more red flags were raised to warn Ghanaians against Nana Addo's presidency, but he resorted to a very subtle political tactic of branding and deceptive politics to deceive Ghanaians using all kinds of strategies. unconventional to live the dream of his father. This has brought unprecedented hardships for Ghanaians today.

Ghanaians need to be aware that as Akufo Addo consolidates his power, he will use some of the worst methods of politics to establish his own kind of hegemony in order to perpetuate his power in a very subtle way. He planned from A to Z to achieve his political agenda. It is the ruling clan of Akyim who makes sure that all other Ghanaians are their subjects.

Obviously, NDC will not participate in the next contest without taking into account the bitter lessons of the 2016 elections. Victory can escape the NDC if the same old strategies are deployed. The priority of NPP is the voting day leading to the reporting time of the results. All other tangible public efforts are diverted and attempt to legitimize their unconventional and covert propaganda efforts. NDC must be proactive and tick. This is the only way to give hope to Ghanaians after 2020.


Dr. E.K Hayford

Senior Manager

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