Centerville assisted living center closely monitoring the super-attack


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CENTERVILLE, Ohio (WDTN) – The Center for Disease Control has warned of a superbug, calling it a "serious threat to global health."

Candida Aurius is a fungus that usually attacks inpatients or nursing homes and often does not respond to standard treatments.

There is still no case of Candida Auris or C. Auris in Ohio, but it has affected Illinois and Indiana.

According to the CDC, it can cross health facilities by focusing on surfaces and medical equipment, or spread directly from one person to another.

Holly Artkamp is a nurse manager and oversees the Infection Control Program at Bethany Village, an badisted living center located in Centerville.

She said patients in health facilities are the most vulnerable because they already have a weakened immune system.

She told Bethany Village that she was aware of all the bacterial, viral and fungal trends and that she was ready to respond.

"We have a very strong antibiotic management program in place, which is very important, because that's where these super microbes come from," Artkamp said. "This is the evolution of the bacteria or fungus in response to antibiotics that we use too much or that we prescribe too much."

She said in terms of lamen, that the fungus acts as a bacterium and surpbades what it has at its disposal.

According to Artkamp, ​​the golden rule of nursing will help prevent the possible spread of C. Auris, which involves washing hands properly.

"Make sure that your providers wash their hands before treating you, but also as a patient or family member who visits your family, to wash your hands," Artkamp said. "But also, do not ask for antibiotics or antimicrobial agents when your provider does not prescribe them."

For more information on fungal infection, click here.

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