"Certainly necessary", Martin Kpebu supports the regulation of churches


File Photo: The churches were cited for making a lot of noise.

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"Shouting Amen!" And for about 60 seconds, sometimes longer, the response continues unabated; "Amen, Amen Amen."

All this happens in the middle of the night as tenants and homeowners struggle to avoid sleeping a few hours after a hard day's work.

If they are lucky, it is a matter of one night, otherwise, it would last days, weeks, or even months.

It is not always fun for the participants.

Many of them have complained that the people to whom they are addressing themselves to obtain a spiritual remedy for their ills or a breakthrough are subjecting them to degrading treatment.

These and other complaints have been recorded against churches and "men of God" lately.

To put an end to this, some members of Parliament have request legislation to regulate church affairs.

This may seem very delicate since religion pbades through the veins of most Ghanaians.

Already, the idea has been taken with a pinch of salt by some deputies.

For example, Sam George, Ningo Prampram MP, warned the House against caution because freedom of religion is guaranteed in Articles 21 and 26 of the 1992 Constitution.

But speaking to Ghanaians in the streets of Accra, it is widely accepted that some churches are becoming a nuisance and must be regulated.

The Speaker of Parliament has meanwhile referred the matter to the committees concerned for deliberation and a report to the House within a month.

From his legal point of view, Martin Kpebu told Joy News that the regulation of church activities was "absolutely necessary" and would not constitute a violation of the right to freedom of religion.

Martin Kpebu newsfile
Martin Kpebu

He told Mamavi Owusu Aboagye on Friday during the AM Show that he hoped Parliament would pbad the law soon.

According to Kpebu, the new law should codify the existing rules.

He added that it was not necessary for people to be subjected to outrageous treatment simply because they were going to a pastor's home for healing.

Although people have the right to worship, this should not infringe on others' right to peace and quiet, the lawyer said.

He added that the new law should establish an organization with sufficient funds to enforce the law and ensure that all churches and other religious institutions behave well.

The churches, for example, he argued, should have soundproof systems so as not to disturb the residents around them.

Watch his full interview below:

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