Champions League defeat still haunts Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi


Barcelona must apologize for its "lamentable" loss in the Champions League semifinal against Liverpool earlier this month, according to Lionel Messi.

In his first press conference in Barcelona four years ago, the great Argentine said: "We are still recovering from what happened in Liverpool, at least I am.

"Our performance was dismal, it was a very difficult defeat for us."

Lionel Messi made a despondent figure in the humiliating defeat of Barcelona against Liverpool.


Lionel Messi made a despondent figure in the humiliating defeat of Barcelona against Liverpool.

Barcelona led 3-0 in the first leg at Nou Camp, but then lost 4-0 in the return leg at Anfield.

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"We do not have to apologize for losing, but we do not," said Messi about the collapse of his team's first leg.

He was speaking on the eve of the last game of the season in Barcelona, ​​the final of the Copa del Rey against Valencia.

Messi has often avoided reporters during his career and his previous press conference before a match in Barcelona was in 2015, when the Catalan club faced Bayern Munich in the semifinals of the Champions League.

Barcelona will aim to increase its Spanish league title on Sunday, but the Champions League was its main goal this season.

"It's true that winning doubles is important, but we'll always have a bad feeling for this loss," said Messi. "We were all focused on the win in the Champions League, the disappointment was all the greater."

Barcelona also had a difficult exit in the quarter-finals of the Champions League in 2018, against Roma. She also lost a big lead in the first leg.

"We did not think that what happened against Roma could still happen again," said striker Messi. "Our first leg against Liverpool was not that bad, but we did not compete at all in the second."

Barcelona are looking for their fifth consecutive victory in the Copa del Rey, while Valencia will try to win the tournament for the eighth time and for the first time since 2008.

The final will take place at the Real Betis Benito Villamarin Stadium in Seville.

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