'Chaos' at home linked to poor asthma control in children / ScienceDaily


A chaotic household – where things do not seem to work out well, where there is a lot of noise, little attention, and where relaxation is difficult – and where the depression of children and parents are risk factors aggravation of Asthma among children of urban minorities, according to a new article published in the newspaper pediatrics.

"Higher levels of chaos, including lack of organization or well-established routines, seem to be a pathway linking parental depression to worse control of asthma in children," said Sally Weinstein, professor Associate of Clinical Psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago. College of Medicine and first author on paper.

Urban minority youth have higher asthma rates and are more likely to have poorer or even asthma-dying outcomes compared to the general population. Although much research exists on drugs and prevention, researchers are just beginning to understand how psychosocial factors affect asthma and how they might contribute to disparities.

Several studies have shown that children with depression and anxiety have worse asthma outcomes, including more severe asthma and increased use of rescue medications. Some studies have linked parents' depression to the worst consequences of asthma in their children, while others have shown that family conflict is badociated with higher levels of severity of life. 39; asthma.

Weinstein and colleagues sought to examine the interaction between the functioning of parents, children and families, and the control of childhood asthma among urban minority youth with uncontrolled asthma. Uncontrolled asthma occurs when children exhibit excessive asthma symptoms and take emergency medications. The consequences of uncontrolled asthma can be serious.

The researchers examined the relationship between parental depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, symptoms; depression of the child and symptoms of PTSD; and the control of asthma in children in 223 children aged 5 to 16 years and one of their parents. Participants were enrolled in a longitudinal study examining educational interventions to improve asthma control, titled Asthma Action at Erie Trial.

Weinstein and colleagues collected data on depression, PTSD and family chaos through in-person interviews before parents and children started the intervention at the study. Asthma control was measured with the Asthma Control Test, a standardized survey that badesses the severity of asthma and symptoms in children. Parents were also asked about the number of days in the last two weeks during which the child's activity was limited due to asthma symptoms and asthma medications of the child.

The researchers found that parents' and children's depressive symptoms, but not symptoms of post-traumatic stress, were badociated with worse control of asthma in children. Higher levels of family chaos have also been badociated with reduced asthma control in children, even when researchers controlled depression in parents and children. Family chaos was badessed using a 15-question questionnaire and asking respondents to rate the following statements: "Despite our best efforts, we always seem to be late;" "We can usually find things when we need them;" "We always seem to be in a hurry;" and "Our house is a good place to relax."

The researchers found that family chaos partly explained how parental depression affected the control of asthma in children.

"When a parent is depressed, it is difficult to maintain the proper functioning of the family routine and manage the daily demands of taking care of his child's asthma, which may require several medications and avoid triggers." Weinstein said. Associate Director of the Center on Depression and Resilience at the University of Illinois. "We found that in more chaotic families, the control of asthma in children tended to be worse."

"Our findings highlight the role of family chaos in the worst consequences of asthma in the children of these families," said Dr. Molly Martin, badociate professor of pediatrics at UIC College of Medicine and principal investigator of l & # 39; study. "Paediatricians and asthma specialists should consider and treat the problem of depression in parents and children and provide support to optimize household routines to improve control of the condition. Asthma in children. "

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Material provided by University of Illinois at Chicago. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.

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