Charlatans and opportunists mourn the end of the day celebrations of the AU


Charlatans and opportunists mourn the end of the day celebrations of the AU

There is a nasty but quite predictable irony in the misplaced complaint by Ghana's well-known politicians and counter-diplomats about the overly sneaky decision made by the government of the new patriotic party led by Akufo-Addo (NPP) of not unnecessarily and needlessly add to the already oversized and terribly underpaid Ghanaian taxpayer's already gigantic bill by redundantly celebrating the so-called African Union Day as a paid holiday (see "Mourning Day"). African Union – for the moment …. " 27/05/19).

Yes, there is a perverse irony here, because even as I write, a rather remarkable number of Ghanaians, Nigerians, and Africans are roughly arrested, tortured, and brutally maimed, humiliated, and systematically lynched by South African citizens. indigenous, while Africans The National Congress (NCA) government of President Cyril Ramaphosa calmly looks on as it was only another benevolent celebration of democratic power at the African majority in Africa in the mid-1990s. And the major crime of these non-indigenous victims from mainland Africa is simply to try to improve their quality of life by emigrating to South Africa.

It may be necessary to remind these thugs and butchers of South African people of South African descent that it was indeed a time of the globally sadly racist regime of apartheid, where a quite remarkable number of Former leaders and current leaders The ruling African National Congress and the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) founded and led by Robert Sobukwe lived quietly undisturbed while working feverishly to facilitate the overthrow or overthrow under the rule of law. apartheid, with the military and other capital-intensive support materials of these continental African-born governments.

It is also ironic that those who are furiously clamoring for the Akufo-Addo government for wisely saving Ghana from the heavy price of another flippant excuse for a financially burdensome holiday, have not yet taken seriously the highly criminal and scandalous and the systematic lynching of the aforementioned. Africans by some of their fellow citizens native African citizens born in South Africa, beyond the unspoken conviction and uprising of such unjustified acts of inexcusable violence against their black-African compatriots. And, of course, on this last point, it is equally ironic and scandalous to take into account that even as I write, the city of Midrand, South Africa, serves as the headquarters or seat member of the African Union.

We must therefore ask this recurring Ghanaian question: "did we go or did we come?" I have personally had the privilege of being inducted, by acclamation, into the African National Congress as an "Honorary Member," while I was an undergraduate at the City College of New York. from the City University of New York (CCNY of CUNY), in the 1990s, for defending the cause of South Africa's liberation in the media, so I was not quite stunned Read and watch video clips of non-indigenous indigenous Africans residing in South Africa who are brutally and savagely maimed by their fellow South African descent. You see, the protracted culture of apartheid has created a reflexive counter-culture among the victims of this very horrible and depraved and immaculately uncivilized Dutch governance system, or rather of poor governance.

I am almost on the verge of asking the Akufo-Addo government to call for the immediate suspension of the activities of the African Union Parliament, until the government of the African National Congress led by Ramaphosa can definitively stop it. the primitive and barbarous flood of deadly violence. black South Africans against their compatriots of African descent. I also cried profusely on hearing Mr. Julius Sello Malema pbadionately denouncing such unjustified acts of violence against "black foreign Africans" committed by South Africans born in black-majority cities like Durban.

Thus, what Ghana's opposition leaders, like Mr. Samuel Okudzeto-Ablakwa, who is about the same age as Mr. Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom and Fighters Party (EFF), should discuss constructively and intelligently, that is why An inhuman nauseating violence between Blacks and Blacks and apocalyptic mistreatment, it is always wise and helpful for Ghanaians to canonize and celebrate the Day of the African Union, May 25 , almost as if our very life depended inextricably on this organization largely focused on the debate that the lives of the citizens of any other nation or African people.

Now, do not tell me about this phenomenal contribution of leadership to the founding and establishment of the former Organization of African Unity (OAU) of President Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first postcolonial leader. By the way: the leaders of opposition parties in Ghana, especially those belonging to the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the main opposition party, are the most unintelligent and hateful politicians in the world on the African continent?

* Visit my blog at the address: Ghanaffairs

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD
Department of English, SUNY-Nbadau
Garden City, New York
May 28, 2019
E-mail: [email protected]

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