Chelsea and Real Madrid "still at £ 26 million on the assessment of Eden Hazard"


Chelsea star Eden Hazard wants to finalize his transfer to Real Madrid before June 4, but club ratings remain at £ 26m, as the saga of transfers continues

  • Chelsea playmaker Eden Hazard is set to join Real Madrid this summer
  • The last game of Hazard for the Blues will likely be the final of the Europa League on May 29
  • The Belgian wants his move to Madrid to be finalized before June 4th
  • But Chelsea would have asked for 112 million pounds, while Real only wanted to pay 86 million pounds.

By Robert Summerscales for Mailonline

Published on: 7:13 pm EDT, May 24, 2019 | Update: 7:47 pm EDT, May 24, 2019

Eden Hazard would like his transfer to Real Madrid to be tied a week after the Europa League final against Chelsea against Arsenal.

Hazard 's seven – season stay at Stamford Bridge will almost certainly end this summer, while the Belgian ace will embark on a new challenge in Spain.

The 28-year-old is currently focusing on Wednesday's game with the Gunners, who could see him award a second Europa League title to his five Chelsea trophies.

Chelsea playmaker Eden Hazard, 28, is expected to join Real Madrid later this summer.

Chelsea playmaker Eden Hazard, 28, is expected to join Real Madrid later this summer.

But after the match in Baku, Hazard's attention will quickly turn to Madrid.

According to The Mirror, Hazard set a deadline of seven days after the final for his transfer to Bernabeu to be finalized.

But hopes of a quick resolution of Hazard could be wiped out by the different badessments of both clubs.

The Mirror claims that Chelsea is expecting a transfer fee of 112 million pounds, while Real currently offers only 86 million pounds.

Hazard is expected to join his international teammates around June 4th. Belgium will face Kazakhstan on June 8th and Scotland on June 11th.

Chelsea reportedly asked for 112 million pounds for Hazard, while Real wanted to pay only 86 million pounds.

Chelsea reportedly asked for 112 million pounds for Hazard, while Real wanted to pay only 86 million pounds.


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