Chereponi clashes: weapons used seem more expensive than buildings in the region – Randy Abbey


General News of Saturday, March 23, 2019



Randy Abbey3 play the videoHost of Metro TV's Good Morning Ghana, Randy Abbey

Metro's Good Morning Ghana host, Randy Abbey, said he thought some influential figures would be involved in the violence in Chereponi, as the weapons used seem more expensive than local people may not be able to afford.

Mr. Abbey insisted that the natives of Chereponi District were not people of a rich clbad, but used weapons that seemed very expensive compared to their buildings.

"The ammunition used in the violence seems more expensive than the buildings located in these areas"

"These areas are known to be areas of poverty, schools, clinics and businesses will all be affected by this violence"

"All this increases poverty there but you look at the ammunition used and it costs more than their buildings, so I think there are some influential people out there," he told NewsFile on Joy FM ".

The violence of Chereponi is the result of a misunderstanding between Konkombas and Chekosis.

The outbreak of violence is the second of the last three months, as residents of Chereponi opened the new year with old violence.

The armed struggle is about the possession of lands considered to be no more than two acres, but having ancestral meaning.

Chereponi is a district dominated by Konkomba. Chokosis, considered by the majority of Konkombas as settlers, constitute a minority.

The two factions have been involved in a conflict that has claimed the lives of two people and displaced hundreds of people despite the continued presence of police and military personnel in the area.

The new Yaa-Naa of Dagbon, Mahama Abukari II, issued a 10-day ultimatum to the supreme leaders of Saboba and Chereponi to put an end to ongoing violence between the Konkombas and Chokosis.

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