China condemns US for "inventing rumors" about Huawei government ties


China has accused the United States of having invented rumors about Huawei 's electronics giant' s ties with the Chinese government, the military and the intelligence services, what they have denied many times.

"Recently, some US politicians have continually fabricated rumors about Huawei but have never produced clear evidence that countries have asked for them," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang.

He was questioned about the comment by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that Ren Zhengfei, CEO of Huawei Technologies, had lied about the company's ties to the Chinese government.

"In the United States, there is growing doubt about the trade war that the American side has provoked with China, the turmoil of the market caused by the war of technology and the blocking of industrial cooperation" said Lu.

Last week, the United States ranked Huawei on a blacklist of trade, effectively preventing US companies from working with the company. This has created even more animosity between the two largest economies in the world.

US politicians continue to "fabricate lies to try to mislead the American people and are now trying to incite ideological opposition," the Chinese government spokesman said.

Huawei Ren said the company would never share the secrets of its users, Pompeo said Thursday, but he does not believe it. This has fueled US pressure for Allied countries to also stop working with Huawei and their 5G networks due to potential security issues.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, said that these problems could be solved by a trade agreement between China and China, although he added that Huawei was "very dangerous".

"Frankly, I'm not sure what exactly the American leader means, the American side," Lu told reporters.

Lu criticized the United States, calling on the country to stop trying to denigrate foreign companies and reiterating China's willingness to solve the problem through dialogue.

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