China Focus: China to promote standardized global treatment for breast cancer – Xinhua


BEIJING, March 30 (Xinhua) – China is working to promote a set of bad cancer prevention and treatment standards across the country, in the hope of extending survival times for women and men. to reduce the diagnostic and treatment gap between urban and rural areas.

A series of guidelines covering bad cancer screening, early diagnosis and treatment, as well as the rational use of drugs for the follow-up and management of concomitant diseases were published Saturday at a conference on Cancer and Health, jointly organized by the National Cancer Center (NCC), Cancer Foundation. China, Beijing Breast Disease Society and other related institutions.

Data released by the NCC in March 2018 showed that the bad cancer mortality rate in China accounted for 16.5% of all cancers among women. While bad cancer continues to claim the highest incidence rate at home and abroad, its cure rate is steadily improving in China, with a five-year survival rate of 83.2% between 2010 and 2010. and 2014, up 7.3% since 2000.

As the survival time has been considerably extended, more patients have entered a period of chronic illness, in accordance with the guidelines for bad cancer follow-up and overall management of concomitant diseases, the first of its kind in China, by the NCC. .

Common concomitant diseases of bad cancer include cardiovascular diseases, abnormal bone metabolism and depression. "Among older patients, cardiovascular disease has caused even more deaths than cancer," said Ma Fei, executive chairman of the conference and expert of the CNC.

Under the dual effect of ovarian dysfunction and medications, menopausal patients experience a marked decline in estrogen levels, which often results in an abnormal amount of lipids in the blood and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, explained Ma. .

In addition, a large number of patients will continue to receive endocrine therapy for five to ten years after cancer treatment, which often accompanies abnormal bone metabolism, osteoporosis and even deformities. fractures.

The guidelines clearly require physicians, in interdisciplinary collaborations, to consider the patient's blood lipid and bone density levels before administering endocrine therapy. It also suggests that doctors intervene to help patients quit smoking and drink alcohol, as well as to avoid falls and serious bodily injury based on the badessment of their health conditions.

NCC professor Xu Binghe, who has been focusing on bad cancer treatment for more than three decades, said the guidelines, by standardizing visits and follow-up exams, would prevent concomitant illnesses sooner than ever before. 39 and extended health care to survivors throughout their lives.

"It will certainly help patients recover their health and find their families and their society," Xu said.

Ma Fei viewed the guidelines as an important step in changing the disease-centered diagnosis and treatment model to a patient-centered model. "Patients should not only live longer but live well," he said.

China released in 2016 the health care development project entitled "A Healthy China 2030", which aimed to raise the five – year cancer survival rate by 15 percentage points by 2030.

With respect to bad cancer, the five-year survival rate varies greatly by region. Eastern coastal cities have a survival rate of 90%, about the same as in the western developed countries, while rates for the inland and rural areas are 70-80% lower.

In addition, the incidence of bad cancer in China continues to increase by 3 to 4% per year, which is higher than the world average.

"To further improve the cure rate of bad cancer in China, early diagnosis and treatment is very important, and up to now, no more than 20% of bad cancer cases are detected at an early stage and less than 5% are screened by screening, "Ma says.

China has started promoting free bad cancer screening and cervical cancer in rural women since 2009. But how to choose among different screening techniques, especially for different groups of women. age, there are no unified standards yet. The lack of screening professionals has also resulted in high rates of false or missed diagnoses.

The National Coordination Center has also published guidelines for screening, early diagnosis and treatment at the conference, which define screening targets and methods, as well as early diagnosis and treatment pathways.

While European and American countries recommend mammography as the primary method of screening, these guidelines suggest that the best option for Chinese patients is to combine mammography with ultrasound.

"We can not just copy international guidelines – for example, Western women tend to have larger, fatter bads that are very suitable for mammography, but Chinese women often have smaller, denser bads, better for ultrasonic devices, "explained Ma.

"Covering people in good health and paying special attention to high-risk groups, the guidelines will help increase early detection of bad cancer," he said.

A consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of young patients wishing to maintain normal fertility was also published during the conference.

According to Ma, the peak age of bad cancer in China is 10 to 15 years earlier than in Western countries, with many patients under 35 years old. Most of these patients do not give birth yet and wish to have babies.

It is almost impossible for young patients to avoid chemotherapy, which usually contains cyclophosphamide (CTX), which is harmful to the reproductive system. Endocrine treatment is also likely to cause infertility because of its impact on the uterus and ovaries, Ma said.

One study reveals that although more than half of Chinese patients worry about the problem of reproduction, very few people ask to adjust their treatment plans.

The consensus suggests that young patients should all receive genetic counseling, regardless of their family history, and physicians are thinking about the adverse effects of CTX in young patients who want to become pregnant.

"The consensus fills the void to help protect the reproductive health of cancer patients and provides practical operational instructions to medical institutions at all levels, marking a new step in the establishment of a comprehensive cancer system. bad cancer management in China, "said Ma.

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