Choral warming: good posture to sing | James Davey


This is one of a series of videos by choral director James Davey, in which he shows a variety of useful chorus warm-ups that will help you get the most out of your rehearsals.

James Davey is one of the most distinguished and respected choral directors in the UK. His work as an orchestra conductor, choral education practitioner, arranger and umpire is in great demand.

A former chief advisor for the BBC's sheet music archives, James regularly conducts and prepares choirs for television and radio shows. He is also director of ChoirFixer Limited, a professional set repairer for the entertainment and advertising industries.

James is Music Director of Chantage (winners of the 2015 Malta International Choral Competition and the 2006 BBC Radio 3 Choral Competition of the Year), Chandos Chamber Choir, Amici Cantate, Halstead Choral and 4Tunes, the award-winning Channel 4 TV choir. He is also conductor for Music In Offices, Dart Chorus, Cranleigh Choral Week and Sherborne Summer School of Music.

He is also Chief Guardian for the Association of British Choral Directors (ABCD) and for the Irish Choral Association (AOIC), a member of the ABCD Practitioners Council and co-founder of London International. Chor Conducting Competition.

Watch James Davey's introduction to this video series to find out why warm-ups are valuable and how to choose warm-ups for a specific repetition.

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