Chris Hemsworth's diet revealed by a gastronomic expert for Thor's physics


It takes a lot of effort to look like Thor (photo: J Boland / Marvel Studios / Kobal / REX / Shutterstock)

Chris Hemsworth plays a literal god in the MCU. So we know that he spends a lot of time in the gym pumping iron.

But to stay in shape, the Australian star also ensures the health of her diet.

When the 35-year-old is in hardcore preparation mode to embody Thor, or any other character also carved out of stone, Chris asks food expert Sergio Perera to plan his diet – and sorry, he does not have to. There are no pies or McDonald's involved.


Perera, who shares his tips on the Hemsworth Center app, explained to Men's Health the meal plan that he had worked out for Chris, and though everything is formulated for the star to remain slim, that seems surprisingly delicious.

Every morning Avengers: Endgame's starter begins the day with a green "Power Shake" that, Perera explains, is made up of five to six types of leafy vegetables and vegetables, low-glycemic fruit, nuts, seeds , fats and small amounts. of marine salt to help with electrolyte balance, nerve transmission and glucose metabolism ".


Chris eats a lot of white fish to stay lean (photo: Matt Baron / REX)

At 10 o'clock Chris gets a balanced breakfast – whether it's yogurt and berries, three eggs on Vegemite bread (well, he's an Australian) or a porridge salted with poached eggs.

Then come Hemsworth's workout and post-workout shake, before a delicious lunch of chicken sesame salad and rice, sirloin steak or grilled chicken.

To keep all his strength, Chris must continue to nibble before dinner – unfortunately, not with crisps, but with crackers and dried beef.

And dinner? Well, the father of both is treated with white fish or grilled lamb chops before taking some BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) with a supplement of magnesium or zinc before going to bed.

Unfortunately, we can not all look like Chris with this tasty diet, because he spends at least an hour a day at the gym completing his grueling physical training. Boo.

Thor slipped into Endgame (Photo: Instagram)

The star is also asking a skin care regime to continue searching under optimal conditions, although his wife Elsa Pataky is not too happy.

The Thor: Ragnarok's star – who was not exactly the skinny Thor that we were waiting in Endgame, thanks to a big suit – revealed this week that his wife was turning around when he used his super expensive moisturizer The sea to treat sunburn.

The coveted cream costs £ 320 per jar. Elsa was not impressed when her husband spread the contents of the pan on his shoulders after being a little crisp in the sun.

More: Avengers

Chris told GQ, "She uses a lot of La Mer products, which, you know, costs a small fortune. She is less happy than using this moisturizer for the face all over my body.

"I discovered the difficulty using his $ 400 cream for a sunburn once. It was not the best option. "

Chris, who swears by the much cheaper coconut oil for her sunburn, added, "She was not really impressed. It smells so good that I wanted to eat it. "

Maybe do not add that to the diet plan, Chris.

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