Closing of the Paris metro before the 21st series of Yellow Vests demos


The 21st weekend of anti-government protests organized by the Yellow VestsThe Yellow Vests, a group of disgruntled French citizens, must take place in several towns and villages in France. Last weekend, 33,700 people, according to official figures, participated in the march, including 4,000 in Paris. Protesters say the number was three times higher.

The protest movement is in its fifth month.

Two authorized gatherings are planned in Paris. The protesters will cross the city from different points. One will leave the Republic Square towards the La Défense business district, on the other hand from the south of the city, at Montparnbade station and will head north towards the La Villette district, north-east of Paris.

Police maintained the ban imposed last week at the Champs-Elysees marches or around the Arc de Triomphe.

The central metro stations are closed. Many bus lines do not work.

Other cities where events have been announced are Rouen, Lyon, Dijon, Nice, Nantes, Montpellier, Bordeaux and Toulouse.

Five months of sporadic troubles

The Yellow Vest event was triggered in the fall of 2018 as a result of a fuel surge that he hoped would raise funds for climate change mitigation projects. Under the pressure of the movement and in order to put an end to the violent incidents on the sidelines of the demonstrations, the government of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe gave up rising fuel prices.

Since the beginning of the year, the president has visited hundreds of places in France, some of them in remote villages, to meet local officials and French citizens.

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