Collaborate to Lead Mission Schools – President of Presbyterian University in Government


General News of Sunday, June 16, 2019



Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum

The president of Presbyterian University College called for collaboration between the government and Christian missions for the proper functioning of the schools created by the missions.

To this end, Reverend Professor Emmanuel Adow Obeng called for a roundtable between the government, Christian missions and other stakeholders to determine the way forward in funding, management and staff recruitment missionary schools.

He was speaking at a forum organized by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana in Accra to discuss the church's partnership with the government in the area of ​​education and the apparent setting aside of missions by the government in the management of their schools.

The theme of the forum was "Our Partnership in Education: The Way Forward".

Reverend Prof. Obeng pleaded for the drafting of a memorandum of understanding expressing a convergence of wills between the government and Christian missions, with the aim of a line of joint action to which the two parties would sign and to which any government in power would be bound.

Christian missions, he added, should aim to commit financial resources to this memorandum of understanding and speak with one voice on all issues.

Professor Prof. Obeng, who proposed additional strategies on how to strengthen the partnership, called for the creation of a joint commission to review any partnership agreement signed between the two parties.

The context

The teacher. Obeng said his recommendations were based on the fact that governments had, over the years, ignored Christian missions in making decisions about mission schools, when these schools were not created by the government.

He said, for example, that the government had recently adopted a major policy aimed at making all higher education institutions affiliated with certain public universities.

Everything indicates, he said, colleges will become campuses of these public universities and he wonders why the government can make such a decision without resorting to the missions that created these colleges of higher education.

He stressed that the missions had played an important role in education in the country, adding that "it is through these missions that we can give our children a complete education and make sure that They are morally balanced, emotionally well equipped, physically and physically. " in shape."

It was therefore important that they be neither marginalized nor ignored, repeated Prof. Obeng.

Dr. Adutwum

Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Deputy Minister of Education, said the government was ready to meet with Christian missions and all other stakeholders to discuss relevant issues regarding the partnership.

He said the government is committed to ensuring that the mission schools remain the best in the country and that it is ready to collaborate with the missions in this effort.


The Reverend Prof. J. O. Y. Mantey, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, for his part, said that the church wanted to integrate a strong religious and moral education into school curricula.

He added that the church would apply a dress code in its institutions, adding that despite the fact that people were going to school to seek knowledge, this could not be done without instilling strong Christian values.

The teacher. Mantey said that any attempt by a government to remove Christian values ​​from its teachings in its schools would be strongly resisted.

Chief Justice

Chief Justice Judge Sophia Akuffo, who presided over the ceremony, urged the state and the church to work together to "create a transformational education system".

She said both sides needed to partner with a defined framework.

Judge Akuffo called on all stakeholders to review the systems put in place in previous years, which produced excellent results, and to instill them in any partnership that could be agreed upon.

The Chief Justice stated that every effort should be made to bring quality to the education, especially now that the taxpayer 's money was used to make it free.

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