Come seek help to solve the problem – Jinapor to the government


General News on Friday, April 5th, 2019



John Jinapor Mc John Jinapor, former Deputy Minister of Power

The former deputy minister of electricity, John Jinapor, instructed the Akufo-Addo government to call for help because it "has a hard time finding a solution" to recent energy problems facing the country.

This is after methodically listing Mahama administration's investments in the country's electricity sector in order to put an end to the daunting three-year power outages that the country has been facing.

Speaking at a public conference on Ghana's economy organized Thursday in Accra by the Coalition for Restoration, Jinapor said about Mahama's investment in the sector: " We have entrusted Akufo-Addo with a resilient, strong, dynamic and dedicated energy sector, which he has done to upset President Mahama's programs, to mismanage the sector and, today, We are witnessing the tragedy.

According to him, the sector is in financial bankruptcy and "if we do not face the truth and they do not call some of us to support them, so that even in the l & # 39; The interest of the nation, we put aside the colors of our party and gave them the floor. some simple tips, one day … one day, they will run the energy business and we will have more electricity. "

The government says the intermittent power cuts will be completed in 12 days after an apology was presented to Ghanaians for the inconvenience caused on Monday.

The recent power supply difficulties come just two weeks after Energy Minister John Peter Amewu badured that the situation would stabilize in five days.

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