Compulsory vaccination against measles in New York violates the law of the State of New York


NEW YORK, April 10, 2019 / PRNewswire / – The New York City The health commissioner yesterday declared a public health emergency, ordering all people who live, work or reside in four Brooklyn postal codes to be vaccinated with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine declared "effective and safe". Failure to comply with the order is an offense punishable by both criminal and civil fines, including a term of imprisonment. Mayor Bill of Blasio warned that residents have 48 hours to get vaccinated or face a $ 1000 well. Only those with documented immunity, medical contraindications or infants under six months of age are exempt from the immunization warrant.

This order mainly concerns Orthodox and Hbadidic Jews living in the Williamsburg area Brooklyn who do not vaccinate because it violates their basic religious beliefs. The MMR vaccine is made from WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts obtained from aborted fetal tissue. Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo In response, it was "legally questionable" whether people can be forced to be vaccinated if it violates their religious beliefs.

Defense of Children's Health (CHD) supports the legal challenge of this excessive, unprecedented and dangerous reach. Although the City has the undeniable power to control outbreaks, it can not violate the fundamental principle of free, prior and informed consent to all medical interventions, including vaccines. It is a fundamental human right. The City may quarantine, isolate, locate contacts and lobby for vaccination, but may not impose such a draconian mandate without demonstrating the necessity, reasonableness, proportionality, avoidance of harm, non-discrimination, due process and equal protection. The commissioner failed to do that. the actions of the Violent City State of New York law.

"I am shocked that Mayor De Blasio is using such policing techniques to control a measles outbreak – I do not believe that the actions of the City will stand up to legal scrutiny," said Mary Holland, JD, member of the board of directors of the CHD. The City requires that people receive the MMR vaccine from Merck, even though the outbreak only concerns measles. The MMR II Product Insert acknowledges that death is a potential side effect of the vaccine, as well as many other potential permanent injuries. A review of claims submitted to the National Victims Compensation Program related to 48 cases of encephalopathy identified as a result of the MMR vaccination. From these, eight children are deadand the rest had mental regression and mental retardation, chronic convulsions, motor and sensory deficits, and movement disorders. The authors, all of whom are badociated with the vaccination-related injury compensation program, concluded that a cause-and-effect relationship between measles vaccine and encephalopathy may exist as a rare complication of measles immunization.

Robin Stavola, a member of the CHD, commented on this prescription: "I regret every day of my life that I did not get the full and informed consent of the MMR vaccine, my beautiful and healthy daughter, Holly, having suffered for days before die at the age of 5 years encephalopathy as a result of MMR vaccine required before entering school. "His family warned that the order could potentially have adverse consequences long-term health, which could be worse than the ones it allegedly prevented.

"This case goes beyond the debate on religious freedom," said CHD president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "Thanks to litigation with Merck's federal whistleblowers, we now know that Merck's MMR should never have been approved, let alone mandatory." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 150 outbreaks of 9,200 mumps cases in fully immunized adults, thus neutralizing the recent measles outbreaks, and we are confident that no US court will allow government bureaucrats to force US citizens to take risky pharmaceutical products against their will. "

Children's Health Defense looks forward to the opportunity to appeal to a neutral arbitrator to review the legitimacy of the city's order.

CONTACT: Lyn Redwood 202-810-1826

SOURCE Defense of children's health

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