Confusion temporarily stops the jam of VGMA candidates


Animations of Sunday, April 7th, 2019



VGMA Confusion  For a little more than an hour, there was discomfort due to the thrust and fall in the crowd.

On Saturday night, the Kumasi City shopping center was filled with entertainment and excitement until some of the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMA) nominees decided to take matters into their own hands and confuse them. .

At around 11:40 pm, when Efe Keyz, a candidate in the VGMA category, was finishing her performance after several of her colleagues and underground artists performed, some of her clients pushed against each other. in the crowd.

The situation stumbled and fell many customers who were all standing up.

The thrust made the crowd leap forward, lowering the barricades between the crowd and the stage.

For a little more than an hour, there was discomfort due to the thrust and fall in the crowd.

The situation forced the organizers to stop the show for the security personnel present to restore calm.

On Sunday morning, around 12:55, calm was restored and the show continued with performances by Yaa Pono, Flow King Stone, Shatta Wale and Stonebwoy.

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