Congo leader hails new "balance" in turbulent country


Tshisekedi, who took office in January during the first peaceful transition of power in the vast country, spoke of the new "balance" that his election had brought to a country "about to collapse" under its predecessor, Joseph Kabila.

"That's why I'm here: to ask the traditional partner of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United States, to help us maintain this fragile balance," he said at a news conference. conference organized by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Tshisekedi promised to focus on "corruption, mismanagement, bad governance" and the arbitrary arrests that had characterized the DRC's "dictatorial system".

According to Tshisekedi, the United States is the "ideal partner" to contribute to its agenda of change, including military reforms, which will aim to attract new investors.

He urged Americans to see the huge potential of the DRC, including its abundant natural resources.

But he also warned against what he called the nascent "Islamist threat" in the historically tumultuous Central African nation.

"This is becoming an international problem," he said, noting that jihadists recently expelled from Iraq and Syria could settle among the "desperate" youth of the DRC.

He also had criticisms, warning against US sanctions against the president of his country's electoral commission.

The election of Tshisekedi has been tainted with allegations of widespread fraud, although the international community has quickly supported its mandate to avoid a conflict.

Tshisekedi met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday and is expected to meet with White House National Security Advisor John Bolton on Friday, although no meeting with President Donald Trump is not planned.

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